The journey

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Sapnap woke up and sighed with a slight smile before jumping out of bed cheerfully.He checked the time.

"8:30 AM...Hm!Perfect timing,I should get ready to garden,but first some breakfast."Sapnap spoke proudly,having achieved his goal of waking early.

The man made some pancakes,scrambled eggs,and strawberries.He at and when he was done it was around 9:15.

He went back to his room and put on a white T-shirt,some old jeans,work boots,gloves,and goggles since he knew he had to carve today.

He went outside to his magnificent garden.

It was full of daisy's,tulips,sunflowers,morning glories,roses,petunias,candelas,roses,orchids,and more!

He giggled seeing bees, butterflies,and worms all in his soil and on his flowers.It was spring and they were hard at work pollenating his precious plants.

He grabbed a watering can and slowly watered the plants with rain water he had collected,seeing as it benefits the plants more then well water.

He worked and worked and soon realized "Ah!The pink roses died,and they were my favorite too...."He sighed sadly and dug them up carefully as to not disturb and other plants roots.

He put them into his compost bin and went into his house,he took off the muddy boots and gloves with a bit of anger building up.

Instead of bottling it up he went upstairs and showered to calm down.Once he got out he put on a pink shirt and some black ripped jeans as well as demonias.

Of course he also put on his trademark white headband.He went and grabbed his keys from his desk and left his house locking the door.

He went to his beat up red car and got in.

He tried to start it but the engine died.He groaned in annoyance and punched the steering wheel before getting out of the car and locking it back up.

He walked the couple of miles into the city and into the flower shop.

He saw a piglin and got a bit scared seeing as he had heard of this piglin.A infamous blood god who had killed hundreds.
Possibly thousands.

He nervously walked to the counter as the taller piglin glared at him.

"How can I help you?"

Sapnap looked at the piglin.

"Do you sell pink roses?"

The piglin sighed."Usually but lately all the pink roses everyone else sells us have been dying so easily."

Sapnap looked at the piglin with remorse and then grabbed some seeds."Well as to not waste your time I'll purchase these!"

Sapnap had felt more comfortable when he saw the piglin show a emotion other then bloodlust.

The piglin was surprised to see someone so cheerful especially around him but decided to simply ignore it.He rang the seeds up and read the price.

"5.99" "Thats cheaper then other places thank you!" Sapnap smiled paying the piglin and walking out.

Technoblade stared at the door obviously baffled that someone was so nice to him.

That's whenever Wilbur Soot emerged from behind a curtain groaning. "You win the fuckin bet.People CAN be nice to you..." Wilbur handed Technoblade twenty dollars but Techno was still confused.

He decided not to question it of course and went on with his day.

Sapnap on the other hand walked home and put the seeds away.

"Shit..." He muttered under his breath as he started doing chores."Well I'll just go back tomorrow to see then!" He exclaimed cheerfully.

As the man cleaned it got darker and darker.He put everything away as he should and organized after deciding to skip dinner and lunch.

He went to bed,already planning on how to approach the piglin tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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