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kordell pov.
“you call yourself a cop?”

"you sure this where y'all buried the nigga?" I asked, parking Infront of a pile of dirt, seeing as jayb & jay nodded before hopping out the car.

I sat in the car, on the lookout just incase someone showed up, seeing as nuchi also hopped out the car.

"what kind of fucking officers, they found the body but left the gun here like some dumb asses." jayb said, causing jay to shake his head as he slowly picked up the gun.

I looked down at my phone, seeing as kiana had texted me some, not even noticing the cop that had pulled up behind me.

"put your hands up where I can see them." the cop said as he stepped out the car, causing me to quickly pick up my phone as I hopped out the car, walking over to jayb & them as they put they hands up.

"aye mane chill, don't shoot." nuchi said, "I didn't ask you to speak, shut up." the officer said, causing nuchi to mug but shut up anyways.

"and you, what you doing with that gun, huh?" the officer asked jay, seeing as he stayed quiet.

"nothing, I wasn't going to do anything with it officer, I had dropped it & went to pick it back up." jay lied, seeing as the officer eyed him.

I looked at the officer slowly, reading his name & then looking back up at him, staying quiet with my hands up.

"yeah alright, put the gun down." the officer said, "no can do sir." jay said, seeing as the officer rose a eyebrow, walking closer to jay with his gun.

"I said drop the gun, boy." the officer said, "and I said, no can do." jay said, looking back at the officer, face to face as he mugged.

looking over at nuchi, I seen him drop his phone, slowly picking it back up as shoots went off, one after the other.

seeing as nuchi body dropped to the ground, I ran over to him, "what the fuck you shoot him for." I yelled at the officer, seeing as he stepped back, realizing what he had dun.

"I thought...I thought he was going to get a gun." the officer said, "no nigga he was getting his phone, his fucking phone." I yelled, holding nuchi in my arms as I seen the blood run down him.

"fuck, call the fucking ambulance, now." I yelled, seeing as the cop quickly called the ambulance, seeing as jayb took the gun from jay, putting his finger prints over the gun in the process, handing the officer the gun.

"whatever happens, tell jade I love her." jayb said, seeing as the officer hand-cuffed jayb, causing us to sigh.

"nigga what you doing, you can't leave me, jayb c'mon bro." jay yelled, seeing as jayb stayed quiet & got in the police car.

fuck mane, everything was going so wrong, what was happening bro.

next thing I know, the ambulance had came, they pulled nuchi up on the stretcher as they took him away, seeing the blood on my shirt, looking over at jay to see him slowly begin to cry.

whoever said niggas don't cry lied, because in that moment, I felt like breaking down, it could be a possibility I lost two of my closets homies, & I didn't know how to feel about that.

walking over to jay, I helped him up, "c'mon nigga, we gotta go tell jade & them." I said, seeing as he nodded & stayed quiet, walking over to the car as he got in, causing me to do the same.

the car ride to the house was quiet, I ain't know how to break the news to jade, I knew she would be hurt heavily, to where the point I was stressin’. We need jayb to be there, for the baby & for jade's sake & especially jay, I could tell he was going through it.

as I pulled up to the house, I could hear screaming, jumping out the car quickly & running in the house, to see jade holding the phone in her hand and screaming.

"shit." I thought to myself, seeing as kiana looked distraught.

"why did we just get a jail call from jayb saying they probably finna give him 3 years in prison & that nuchi got shoot." kiana said in a squeaky voice, her voice cracking as jade sat on the floor, crying her eyes out.

"he told me he would come back, he promised me, I should of never let him go, fuck fuck fuck." jade said, slamming her hands on the floor, causing me to walk over to her & hug her.

"jade, I understand you hurt, but we gotta go see nuchi, it's a slim chance he gone survive & I can't.." I stopped talking once I felt hot tears come down my face, burying my face next to jade.

I was loosing it & I couldn't even hold my composure, this shit was eating me up inside & I couldn't hold it in even more.

"we gotta go see nuchi, y'all please, let's go.." kiana said, sounding like she was also finna cry, I could tell she was staying strong for us, causing me to nod as I helped jade up, seeing as her eyes were red from crying.

seeing as she walked over & slid on her slides, she made her way outside, jay following behind her as they both stayed silent.

they had both lost someone who was very important to them & it was affecting them the same way, honestly though, it was affecting all of us.


pulling up to the hospital, we got out the car & walked in, asking about nuchi, as they deeply sighed & looked at us.

"good news is, nuchi was shot in his chest but it didn't damage him that bad because it didn't really hit anything important so with that being said, he is still alive, but the bad news is, nuchi probably is gonna fall into a deep coma & we don't know when's he gonna wake up." they said, causing me to run my hands down my face as I seen jay putting his face in his hands.

"so if he doesn't wake up, that mean he has passed away...right?" kiana said, "well yes & no, it could mean he's just taking his own time to wake up but yes it could also mean he has passed away, but it's all up to nuchi on what he wants to do, we have to let him wake up on his own but we will help him." the doctor said, causing us to nod as we sighed.

"you think they gone let us see jayb?" jade asked, "I don't know, but I'm damn sholl finna testify against that cop." I said

"what you mean, what happen." kiana asked, "the cops shot nuchi because he thought he was picking up a gun when you could clearly see & hear that nuchi had dropped his phone, I find that shit weird & unacceptable, so I'm testifying against him." I said.

"let me help, because that's real fucking odd to me." jade said, causing me to nod.

I looked over at jay, seeing he had stood up, "aye, let me help too." he pitched in, causing us to nod.

in honesty, I felt that the cop had seen us as a threat from the jump, especially with him being white, because how you assume nuchi was getting a gun when the cop had heard his phone call out, & I had found that shit racist, I felt as if she shot him because he seen us as "thugs" in his eyes & it ain't adding up because we wasn't disrespectful to the nigga.

"kordell what you thinking about?" kiana asked me.

"of how I'm finna take this cop down, especially for my homie, he fucked up in so many ways & he call his self a cop? yeah nawl." I said, sitting down as I stared at the wall.

this shit was alot, but I was gone make sure everything was settled down, regardless.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋 𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒 [PART 1]Where stories live. Discover now