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On a normal school day Mikail was walking to his locker as fast as he could before-

His locker was slammed by the bullies their leader was with them this time
Why so fast pretty boy "He smoothly asked

Mikail looked down embarrassed that he got caught
What are they gonna do to him now ?

You guys can leave ,I'd like to have all the fun to myself "He dismissed them

Now Mikail was scared he couldn't look up in fact he started to shake a bit

The students are already in the class so they are the only ones in the hall way

Look at me "the leader forced his chin up
J-Jonson why-"

Shh " he shused him
Has anyone ever told you how pathetic you look Mikail ? "

Mikail felt small in his gaze
He felt a sting in his cheek

Jonson pulled him by his collar
You're so useless you know that right ?,I don't really know why I'm wasting my time on you "Jonson hysterically laughed

Mikail felt like crying
Jonson's laugh became louder
So pathetic "
You wanna cry "He cooed pushing him back

Stop"Mikail said
Fucking bitch ,you know this is payback so why cry like a pussy ?"
Take it like a man bitch"

Stop"Mikail said louder
Stop what"Jonson glared
You know I used to see you as my brother ,I trusted you bro"Jonson started making Mikail shrink

"You're the most selfcentered idiotic betrayer I've ever fucking met you fuck my boyfriend and you're fucking crying"He continued yelling

They heard footsteps quickly Jonson slammed Mikail in the janitor room

The room was tight Mikail was against Jonson

The footsteps faded
They had a stating contest
Fuck it "Jonson pulled him in for a kiss

Mikail was caught off guard but kissed back
The kiss turned heated

Jonson smirked as he saw Mikail's buldge and started rubbing it

Mikail groaned in the kiss and let out quiet moans
Mikail couldn't wait anymore
He's very needy

He went on his knees and started pulling on Jonson black trousers

Needy much ? "He could here ths smirk in his voice
S-Shut up"He blushed

He gasped at the length of his dick
Jonson started blushing
W-We don't ha- omg"Jonson was interrupted with Mikail taking him in his mouth

Mikail pulled back and licked the tip and sucked on it
He spat on it and started to suck again

He started to massage Jonson's balls
M-Mikail"He moaned

His sucking became sloppier
Jonson was really closed

Spit ran down Mikail's chin as he gagged
M-Mikail I'm gonna- lawd have mercy"Jonson held on for dear life as he came in the boy's mouth

Mikail swalloed the warm liquid and stood up and was immediately attacked by the lips

Jonson found a way in his pants and started jerking off his cock

He spat on it and jerked faster
Mikail was a moaning mess
The kissing and jerking combo was driving him crazy

His hips jerked as he came in Jonson's hand

Jonson made eye contact with him as he livked his cum off his hand and gave him a peck before leaving

"Later at the park 5pm"

No homo 🙅🏽‍♀️fr🦋

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