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October 2012,

New Jersey.

"It was my debut, Cherry! Mine! You had no right to waltz in and make a grand entrance." Tishki yelled at the backstage.
"Calm down, Tishki. I was only trying to..."Cherry tried to explain but Tishki would hear nothing of her explanation.

"Don't tell me to calm down, you bitch! If you want me to be so messed up like you, its never going to happen, okay?" She jabbed her chest.

"Just so you know this would be the very last time you set foot on stage and I mean any stage because i'm going to get my mum to expel you ASAP"
" Lousy redhead." Tishki cursed under her breath while her bees followed her out. Cherry silently watched them leave then she sniffled.
"There will be no need for that, Tishki." She muttered to herself or so she thought.

"Hey, what do you mean?" Her best friend, Vani asked. "Are you really leaving?"
Cherry nodded sadly while she wiped away her tears. "But I don't want to and I don't know how to stop the move. I thought maybe if I danced so well they would at least give me a chance to stay back but they said my talents will only go to waste if I stay back here."

Vani pulled her in for a hug and let her cry on her shoulders. "It's alright, Cher. You know why?" Because you don't need anyone to tell you how good you are, cause you are the best and wherever you go. People will love you and admire you just like I do. And whoever that secret admirer of yours is."
They laughed. Someone had been sending her love letters and video tapes of dance mobs and flowers and free meal tickets to exclusive places too for 2 months and he never once missed a day. The day they thought they almost found out who he was, they came to a dead end. And now, they would never have a chance to continue that search.

"Come on. Now that you are smiling again, how about we go to Pop's and get a last bite?" Vani suggested.

"I don't know if I"ll be able to stay too long. We'll be leaving this night. Dad booked us a night flight. He has work to do tomorrow morning." Cherry told her.

"Alright. But at least we can say hi to Cass and JJ and also get to see Miles or someone we like." Cherry blushed at the mention of Miles. Miles Jackson. He was a high school senior, a popular really cute guy only difference was he wasn't a jock. He was a street guy but he was smart. He was also rumoured to be selling drugs and fighting and riding bikes on the street for money at nights. But he never for once gave any girl any attention. When he returned her purse which she forgot at his brother, JJ's place one morning, the whole school got talking.

Remembering all those, she couldn't help but sulk. But soon as she saw Pop's billboard, her face lit up with smiles again. She couldn't let today end sadly.

November 2019,


"So our next stop is New Jersey. We'll be there for, let's say a week." The manager said while she handed the dance crew some fliers.
"What? I thought it was Texas, what happened to that? Cherry will flip when she hears this. Does she even know yet? I mean shes our group leader yunno."Penny rattled on.

" No, Penny.' Janet said looking a bit sweaty. "That's why I thought to tell you guys first. I know how bad her experience in New Jersey was, that's why..."

"That's why you should have told her first or probably when we were all together." Penny said and the other girls, Zoey and Chloe nodded in approval. Just then Cherry came in looking excited.

"You look excited. What's up?" Penny asked.
Chloe and Zoey gave her a 'you-should-have-told-her" look. But she chose to ignore them for a while.

"Well, I was coming up here when I bumped into someone in the elevator. Guess who!"

"FRANK!" The girls all excitedly screamed when he popped out his head from above her shoulder. They all hugged him.

"Whoa! Did you girls miss me this much?" He joked.

"You wish!"Zoey snapped. "Does Hermione know you are here or did you leave your pregnant wife to come to our live show?"

Frank gave out a hard laugh.

"No, Zoey. You think crazy a lot. She actually sent me to wish you Goodluck along with these." He raised a package up which Penny snatched away before Chloe could get to it. "Before you go to New Jersey."

"Wait! We are going to Texas and not New Jersey."Cherry scoffed. "She must have heard wrong or something."

"Oh....." He stopped a bit. Then looked at the girls. "Janet hasn't told you yet? They moved the dance classes to New Jersey since they weren't ready to have u guys yet. Only difference is that you'll be there for a week."

Cherry slowly turned to Janet. "Is what he's saying true?

Janet sighed and started to explain." Look, Cherry. It was a last minute something and I only just told the girls right before you came in. I didn't know how to break the news first to you."

"Janet, you know how much I hate New Jersey. You could have at least given me a hint or something."

"Like I said, it was a last minute change."

"I'm not going. We had a deal that we won't accept any last minute change, not even if the pay is that good."

"Cher, we know your history with New Jersey but please think of the kids who are excited to learn from us. Lets not ruin their chance of happiness." Penny added.

After what seemed like a really awkward moment of silence and inner prayers, Cherry just heaved a sigh and walked out.

At this point, Penny knew that it was going to take a while before she agreed to anything. So she offered to escort Frank who everyone had forgotten out.

"I'm sorry if you met us like this. I really am" She apologized. "Its just ...."

"Its's alright, Penny. Everyone has their little demons. It just takes courage to face them." He adviced.

"Yeah. Please tell Hermione we said thanks and she better not forget to invite us to the baby shower or else we are going to tell your baby all the dirty stuffs you guys did."
Frank laughed as he got into his car.

" I know you're joking about that. I'll send her your greetings."

"Yeah sure." Then he drove off. "Just don't invite us and see."

Hermione was a member of their dance group before Frank happened and a year later, they were married and now she was heavy with child. They sure did miss her, but her absence was way better because she didn't get along with Cherry that much. And all the talks she had with her always ended up in a heated argument.

"Hey, did you talk to her?" She asked Janet who was on her way to the door with a brief face. Janet tapped her shoulders.

"Just park your bags, Penny. We are going to New Jersey."

Just as she was about to ask another question, she saw Cherry coming with a long face.

"I'm going home. Pick me up the day we are travelling." She said as she passed them both.

"Oh my," Penny whistled. "New Jersey, whatever you did to my girl, you are so going to regret it."

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