Different world

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"Eren... What have you done..." You say with your last dying breath...

As you die you feel like your falling through an endless void.

"*Cough cough* Argh! Where am I?" As you look around your not in your uniform but in normal clothing. But it looks different from what you would normally wear. 

As you try to get up you feel immense pain in your body and fall but someone catches you.

"Hey! Don't move! You're badly injured!" A girl yells out. While someone else catches you.

"Ugh... Where am I? Where's Eren! That son of a bitch! He killed me!" 

"Someone killed you?" The girl says.

"Yeah... He killed me so that he could start something called the rumbling... Now it's all over... The rumbling will most likely kill everyone in my world..." You say.

"Rumbling? Killing? What's going on?"

"A lot is on my mind right now... But I would like to know where I am..." You say to the girl.

"You are in a Kingdom of Velka."

"Kingdom? What happened to the Paradise Island? Marely? What's going on... Argh I can't think straight right now..." You grab your head as your head aches in pain.

"Hey are you alright!" The girl ask.

"Yeah... I just have a lot on my mind... Also I forgot to ask may I have your name please?" You ask.

"My name? It's Kaori Shirasaki yours?"

"Shin Ackerman... That's my name. I guess I'm no longer in that world anymore... It seems like I was given another chance..."

As you try to get up your body just aches in pain and you just grunt.

"I guess I'll have to wait here for a while I guess..."

"Yeah please do. You are badly injured. I wouldn't want your injuries to open. Please have a good rest."

"Thank you Kaori. It was a pleasure to meet you."

"Same to you Shin-san." Kaori leaves the room and you lay back down.

"I guess I've been giving another chance... I won't let this chance slip past me... I'll regain my strength and get even stronger. I will survive." 

You lay back down and just lay there thinking about all the things that had been going on. 

("I guess I'll just sleep") Shin

couple of hours later.

"What time is it..." You finally get up after a couple of hours of rest and you feel pretty good. Your wounds don't hurt your body doesn't hurt surprisingly. 

As you get up you stand up and feel zero pain.

"I feel surprisingly light. Now were is my ODM gear?"

As you walk around to stretch you walk over to the door and open it. As you open the door you get blinded by a bright light.

As you eye's adjust to the lighting you walk around the castle that you are in. 

"I wonder where Kaori is."

As you walk around you find your self outside in a court yard you find a sword on the ground and you grab it.

A girl see's you grab this blade and starts to walk towards you but as she does she notices your skills.

"He's amazing..."

You grab another blade that was near the court yard. You hold one backwards and one straight forward. You jump into the air and spin in a circle super fast and it was so fast that not even the girl could see you spin in the air. You land back on the ground making a marking in the ground.

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