A Home Visit

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Constance was waiting for her Aunt and Uncle to come to their house to visit but she just can't help herself to watch their big Family Picture in the Sala, above their TV, across their sofa. Then she started thinking about how her parents used to talked to her siblings about their Love Story and talking about herself in her Mind.

Constance's POV:

Hello there, You might be wondering where is my Mom and Dad, Well this isn't their story, it's now mine let me tell you all about it starting with an introduction.

Hi I am Constance Kylie R. Guitterez, Seems familiar huh? Yes I am one of the children of the Previous Story. Shanaline Elleaih and Dylan Kirby, they seemed to have a great love story, but they don't know anything about raising children. I might be offensive to you but that's how we feel, Well maybe mostly me but still. By the way I have a 2 brothers, Basically we are 3.

My Older brother Andrew Brian 'Andre' R. Guitterez and my Younger brother Dale Leo 'Daleo' R. Guitterez. We're abandoned by our parents ever since my Mom became the CEO of my Granpy's Company she never had time for us, Although we had Kuya Andre to watch over us we still miss the times we bonded with her. As for my Dad I don't expect anything from him either, because when my Mom was still isn't a CEO he never turn up to us, not if its an important or special occasions like birthdays, day-offs and holidays, I don't know why but my brothers seem to understand him.

I still respected him even though he failed as a father to me, My Dad became a CEO when my brothers was 10 and 2 and I was 7, Papa Drake decided that he should take over their Company, I call Papa Drake 'Papa' because he spends time with us when Dad wasn't there, Papa used to say that Dad was doing his best in his job so that he could take care of us even though she doesn't spend time with us, he still loves us. Maybe those words were the reason I still respected him but I just can't stop thinking of the thought of him not being with us.

My Mom before was an Amazing Teacher, She used to tutor us with subjects we don't get immediately and Even though she has work that she still needs to finish, she finds time to manage for us, but now she can't even talk to us in person because of her Full Time CEO stuff and Part Time Teacher Job, How can we be happy again? How can we go back to those times that we were still together?

End of POV

While Constance was stating those words she remembers every memory that she stated she really misses the family she used to love. After those statements Constance was shocked as she heard her mother knocking in from the Door.

"Honey!!, Sweetheart!!, Andre!! Where are you guys?! I'm home" Shanaline shouted as she was waiting for her children to come to her.

The children hurriedly come to her to greet her. Dale hugged her mother tight then Andre followed and kiss her mother in the cheeks saying

"Welcome Home Mom".

While Constance there standing and asking her with low energy

"Why are you here so early Mom is it beca---"

Before she can't even finish Dale interrupted her and genuinely asked her Mother

"Mommy, mommy can you help me with my math problem!?"

"Oh, sorry Sweetie I can't. Mommy can't help you today, I am early so that I can also rest and prepare early for Aunt Maylan and Uncle Jaylan's Visit, Maybe next time, I think Kuya Andre can help you with that" Shanaline replied.

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