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Third person POV

"Y/n wake up! Your late for school!" Y/n mom screamed from down stairs. "do I have to go to school?!" y/n say in a sleepy voice trying her best not fall back to sleep. "Yes! It's the last day of school! Now get dressed" y/n mom yelled back, y/n had completely forgotten it was the last day of school. Y/n jump out her bed and got dressed for school.

                           Y O U R  O U T F I T

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                           Y O U R  O U T F I T


I walked inside the school building, it was louder than usual, maybe because it was the last day of school. My bestfriend Emma walked up to me. "Hey girly" Emma say putting her arm around me "heyyyy" I say "so you auditioning for a movie this summer?" Emma say "maybe, but I wanna do another horror film" you say walking up to your locker.

"another one!" Emma say giggling "everyone loves horror movies" y/n say closing her locker,the bell rings "bye loser" Emma say running backwards and waving "bye loser number 2" y/n say giggling. I started walking to my class. I had my AirPods in my ear listening to 'dark red' one of my favorite songs.

              S K I P   T O  T H E  E N D                                        O F  T H E  D A Y

Third person POV

everyone rushed out the school, especially y/n Everyone was shouting and throwing there school supplies and the trash and in the air. You and Emma watched and took some pictures. you and Emma started walking home since y'all didn't live that far from each other, "so you got any plans?" Emma say "well I'm am going to audition for a movie, if I get the role you can go with me." Y/n say "I would but I don't any money" Emma say kinda sad "than I'll just have to pay for you" y/n say smiling.

"really!" Emma say getting excited "ofc! You've been my best friend since pre-k" y/n say "this is why I love you" Emma say putting her arm around y/n "this is my stop, bye loser" Emma say "bye loser number 2" y/n say waving, y/n put in her AirPods and played 'eyedress- jealous' 2 minutes later you finally arrived at home and went straight to your room.

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