So, here's my story so far

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Hi, so just to introduce myself I'm a girl born in England, to be quite frank I doubt that I'll ever post on here again but I just wanted to share my experiences.

So throughout most of my life I would say I was around about average, like I always had a little bit of a belly so maybe I was closer to chubby but I'd say that I was around about average.

Now, I have never been a particularly sporty person so I really shouldn't have been surprised that I got fatter, but I would say that I started to be like... truly fat around high school because of 2 main reasons. One being that I was never really the type to pay attention in class and would usually just daydream about random shit and two being that our school let us eat in class so as you can imagine this led to me just eating all the time in school.

I can remember the first time that this showed any actual consequences was when I actually had to go outside with some friends one weekend (I'm not usually a go outside on the weekends person) and I realised that I couldn't even button up any of my trousers and most of my shirts couldn't cover my belly, now thank god I had the foresight to buy my uniform way bigger than I would have needed it back then as I was anticipating that I would grow taller.

Now for most sane people this would be where they realised that they got fat, NOT FOR ME THOUGH, I assume that I was probably in denial or something because I just assumed that they had shrank in the wash, which I understand didn't make much sense, but what the hell. And to be fair to me, my family never owned a scale so I couldn't tell.

So this continued for a really long time actually, around about a 2 years-ish and I was around about 14, maybe 15, to be honest I can't remember the exact date. I was having to buy new uniforms at this point, even sizing up from the one which was meant to last me up until year 11 but it was on this one day, where my button popped IN CLASS, nobody saw besides my friend, she didn't say anything to anyone else about it thankfully but it was at this point, where I realised without a shadow of a doubt I had gotten fat. You might think that we would notice, but (for me at least) I needed a specific instance to have shown me that binge eating and playing stardew valley all day may not have been the best for my waistline.

So at the end of the day I spent a long time thinking, do I lose this weight and give up junk food, or do I keep the weight and I don't really know why, but I didn't really feel like losing weight, despite the fact that I was told to go on a diet by one of my friends, I just, I dont know, I'd been fat for so long at that point I didn't want to lose it. Now granted, I'm not going to say that being fat is healthy, not by any stretch of the imagination but I just wanted to keep it and some people might say that's weird because to be quite honest it is, but hey ho.

And now this leads us into present day, where I'm in year 11 and we finally got a scale lol, so I can tell you that I'm 183 pounds as of writing, which is honestly a lot lighter than I was expecting lol, still no plans to lose weight but, I want to ask something from any of you guys, assuming that anyone actually reads this, which to be honest I do doubt because it's quite niche, can you maybe write in the comments about your opinion/questions on this, or maybe your own stories, I get that it's quite a lot to ask but im just curious.

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