Chapter One

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"Ah, Miss Green. You finally decided to show up for class." My science teacher, Mrs. Sealock bitterly greeted.
I looked around at all the faces staring at me. They were making me nervous and I don't tend to do well under pressure.
"What's your excuse this time dear? You've only had to think of seven in the past two weeks."
I mentally cursed at my teacher. All my excuses had been true. They weren't lies. I don't lie.
My science teacher and I weren't exactly on good terms right now, even though I get straight A's and always turn in my work, she still hates me. It probably has to do with the fact that she had my trouble maker of a brother two years ago.

"Well you see, umm..." I looked around the class. They seemed to be very interested in what I was going to say next.
"I woke up late, due to the fact that my obnoxious brother had pulled a prank on me, by messing with my alarm clock. He changed the time on it, so instead of my clock saying it was six, it said it was one. Because of that nasty prank I wasn't able to wake up in time to get to school on time. So I asked my good for nothing brother to drive me to school and he said 'no' because I didn't wake up. Then we got into an argument, which made me even later for school. I had to get my skateboard and I had a four mile skate and I couldn't call any of my friends because they were already in school and-" I was rambling again. Everyone in class was laughing. They weren't even trying to keep it quiet. I don't know what would've happened if Mrs. Sealock hadn't told me to stop talking.

"Come here please, Kaelyn." she instructed. I walked to her desk with my head down, looking at my maroon colored vans.

"Detention after school" My mouth dropped. I had never been there. I was a goody goody and I didn't belong there. That's where all the trouble makers go. She handed me my slip. I could tell she was silently laughing in her head.

"Now I will have no more of this nonsense, you will be here every day on time, unless you would like more detentions." She smirked.
I quickly nodded and walked through the rows of desks to the seat in the back of the class room; actually the only seat that was available.

And just to my luck, it was in front of Shane Collins, the school's bad boy. I've always tried to steer clear of him, but I have him in almost half of my classes. I've never sat anywhere remotely close to him, until today. This day just kept getting better and better.

Shane was famous for his fights, bad mouthing, one night stands and also his looks. I couldn't care less about what he did, who he fought and who he bad mouthed. But I had to admit... Puberty did wonders for him. He had icy blue eyes, straight jet black hair, and a deep voice which made all the girls go crazy for him. That's not even mentioning his abs. I'd seen them once when I happened to be at one of his fights.

I was in front of the lawn of the school and he was taking off his hoodie, his shirt lifted just enough for me to see his six-pack. They were extremely toned and it seemed like he had spent a lot of time trying to keep them that way.

I was one of the few girls who haven't been a one night stand for him. I didn't tolerate things like that. I thought it was stupid to do that. Because all it leaves u with is probably an STD and a lot of explaining to do to ur parents.
Of course I wouldn't have to explain anything to my parents. They were dead. They died in a car crash 3 years ago. Now I live with my older brother and my grandma lives only a few houses down from us.

"Earth to Kaelyn." Someone spoke into my ear. It was a deep voice, a voice that was recognizable no matter how high my head was in the clouds. I shivered and turned around to look at him.
"You know you still have to hand me that paper on your desk. You might want to start focusing." he mumbled into my ear.
He took a strand of my light brown hair in his hand and twirled it around his finger. I swatted his hand away and handed him out science prompt that was due at the end of class. I bent down, so I could unzip my bagpack and get out a pencil and my notebook. When I sat back up, I could feel warmth on my waist. Two hands were holding it, thumbs moving in a circular motion.

The bad boy was holding me. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. If he thinks he can get away with something like this he's crazy. I will not fall for his little game.

I quickly turned around only to meet his eyes only inches away from mine. He was smirking and I could tell he was amused.

"Don't touch me." for once I hadn't rambled.
Oh no. Don't jinx yourself Kaelyn.
I was nervous and I always ramble when I'm nervous. Especially when I'm around a boy of someone I don't know.

"Why not?" He smirked. I bit my lip. I had to keep myself from making a fool out of myself.

"B-Because" I stuttered. "Because I have a personal bubble. That means if you violate it then I will make you pay for it. So don't touch me again because it's my space. Well technically not my space, because there are a bunch of kids who sit here through out the day so it's not mine. But for now it's mine so don't do it again. I have work to do so butt out and leave me alone."
I instantly regretted the last part where I told him to butt out. And we'll you don't say something like that to Shane. Who knows what he'll do to me now.
Oh god I probably just put myself on his death list.
I cringed at the thought and looked at Shane. He seemed very amused by my whole rambling scene. He leaned back at his chair and smirked at me.

"Don't worry beautiful. Just because you talked back to me doesn't mean you're on my death list." he winked.
Uh oh.
"I said that out loud, didn't I?" I slouched down in my seat and looked at the floor.
"That little bit where you "thought" that I had just put you on my death list, yeah you did." he laughed quietly.
I glared at him, my heart beat was increasing and my cheeks were becoming warmer. I turned back and hid behind my hair so he wouldn't see my embarrassed expression.

Just when I thought he would leave me alone he tapped on my shoulder.

"By the way I don't have a death list." He whispered in my ear. A wave of relief washed over me, but then I realized what he did.

He. Touched. Me. Again.

I shook my head and tried to concentrate on my work, but it was very hard to do with Shane sitting behind me, constantly tapping his foot on the back leg of my desk's chair. Why was he doing this? He has never even spoken a word to me, like ever!
It made me uncomfortable to know he was the first boy to even touch me since my break up a few months ago. I had been steering clear of boys since then; all boys except Carter.
Carter has been my best guy friend since elementary school. We've always been there for each other and we always protect each other like siblings. Carter has many girls swooning over him. He has light brown hair and green eyes. Something a lot of girls fall for.

My attention was focused on Shane again when he was now playing with my hair. Eventually I snapped and when I was turning around, my knee hit the side of my desk, causing there to be a loud noise. Everyone turned to look at me, and I could hear Shane laughing.
That. Fucking. Jerk.
"Is there something wrong Miss Green?" Mrs. Sealock asked.
"No, nothing at all." I mumbled. I glanced at Shane once more before returning to my work. He was grinning.
I had never seen the bad boy smile like that; it was weird.
I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Comment and tell me if I should keep going. I know it wasn't the best but it gets so much more interesting. Sorry for typos I'm typing with my phone 😅. Thank you for reading. ❤️

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