🌸🌸Chapter one🌸🌸

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🌺I was getting ready for school when my brother Mas'ud barged into my room without knocking,Mas'ud how many times will i tell you"Mum just collapsed".

He yelled before i could finish my sentence,i ran out of the room without any further interrogation.

Maama,maama please get up,i cried,carry her to the car Mas'ud"Baba commanded".

We all left the house to the hospital,maama is having one of those her attacks every time it arises it feels like the first time,she is diabetic.

Since she has been diagnosed with diabetes which was inherited,she spends most of her time at the hospital.

Najma,you and your brother should go to school and i will stay with your mum,but baba we can also stay with her while you go and attend to your other businesses."we both argued".

I said you should both go to school now!my driver will take you since he is here already..Ok baba,we said in unison.

I was already late for my lecture when i arrived at school and worse of all the lecturer didn't allow me to enter his class.

I had to wait outside the lecture hall,i decided to check my phone and that was when i realized i had left it at home in a hurry.

The lecture is an one hour lecture so the lecture should be through in the next five minutes.

He even left earlier and i went into the lecture hall searching for my friends.

When i spotted them i went over to them.

What happened Najma?we all called you but you didn't pick.

I'm sorry i left my phone at home when we rushed our mum to the hospital"i told them

"Oh my God"is it her attack again??i nodded.

May Allah grant her shifa."Ameen"we all said in unison,we will all go to see her after today's lecture"InshaAllah".

Did you guys hear about our new lecturer that will be replacing Dr.Najeeb,Nusrat said excitedly.

"Yes" Khairat replied sounding bored.

I heard he is very young,Zara chipped in.

He is 24 years old and very good looking too.we will see him when he comes in because we have Microbial technology next"i said".

The noise in our class suddenly calmed down and the scent of the most alluring perfume filled my nose.

🌺Almost all the girls in our class were staring helplessly at the new lecturer.

He introduced himself as Mr.Farhan Khalid Muhammad.

He looks and speaks very confident.He was scanning the whole class and the moment his eyes landed on mine i felt an odd aura from him.

He quickly avoided my eyes and faced the whole class stating his rules and regulations,his do's and don't's.


He lectured us for an hour and a half before he left.

Immediately he left some busybody students constituting mostly ladies followed him out of the class and the noise continued.

I borrowed Nusrat's phone and left the class to look for a quiet place to call my father.

Assalamu alaikum he said after the first ring,who is this?wa alaikum salam baba it's me,Najma..how is maama?she is awake now,Alhamdulillah we are on our way home,the doctor has given her some medications..haba baba do they want to kill my mum with medicines.

It's all the time she goes to the hospital she would be given additional medicines to the ones she is taking already,baba i suggest we try these traditional medicines fa.

They are very effective and with less side effects than these orthodox medicines,please Najma i don't have time for all this i want to go and take care of your mum,see you later he hung up the call.

My friends noticed my gloomy face and asked what was the matter,i told them it's nothing and brushed them off.

🌺Around 2pm we went to our favorite eatery and ordered our favorite meal,when we have settled down on our seats i noticed Mr. Farhan from across staring at our table.

I looked away and continue conversing with my friends until our meals arrived,i started eating but i could still feel Mr.Farhan's eyes on our table or should i say me,it was really creepy and my friends don't seem to notice all that is happening.

I hurriedly ate my food and told my friends to meet me at school.they were suprised but didn't ask any further questions.

I was about crossing the street when i heard his voice calling a name,i don't know what made me stop.

Nuaimat he called for the second time i turned to find him staring at me,i wanted to tell him my piece of mind and ask who Nuaimat is but i noticed my friends are coming out so i crossed the street and went into the school.

My friends noticed the change in my mood during the lecture but they didn't press it.after the lectures i apologized to them for my awkward behavior.

I didn't even notice Mr.Farhan in the restaurant until we were about going..Nusrat said"he was asking us if you were our friend..Khairat joined in too.

Obviously,does he need to ask??"i said"

He was just being friendly okay.please let's get going the driver is waiting.

During the ride home i just couldn't get the encounter in and outside the restaurant out of my mind,he called that name like someone he really knows but it isn't my name......


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