Desirable affection

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Ring,ring ~~a figure awoke from their slumber and shut the alarm clock off groaning they said ,"UGH!!I'm still tired it's only 7:30."wait '7:30 shoot I'm gonna be late'
"Hi I'm Travis Beast I'm 15 and the youngest in my school and among my friends.And right now I'm rushing around the room cause I'm late for school and not normal school ,a school for fairytale children .Damn I'm gonna get detention again 

'I finally arrived and everybody is in the courtyard? Shouldn't they be in class ? ' ,"Hi Travis ! "I jumped and turned around it was just hawk I blushed and said "oh h-hey Hawk ",' I stuttered why am I stuttering !?! ' " Are you  ok dude you a bit red "hawks said ,"yeah I'm fine and you ","I'm fine aswell ,did u see rose anywhere ","Uhm no I just got here srry man"," oh ok see u later in class", and he walked off 'why does wanna know where rose is does he like her ?dammit of cause he likes her ,wait why am I angry ' Travis pushed aside his thoughts when he saw his cousin thorn although they weren't related his mum and thorns mom were like sisters

"Hey Travis ", thorn ran over to him and engulfed him into a big hug and twirled him around ,"Stop! Put me down ",Travis giggled .Once he was down he hit thorns shoulder and shouted,"why did u do that ","Sorry I was just so excited to see u it's been like a year",Travis giggled again and blushed after that they just took a walk and started to catch up ,but what they didn't know was that his group of friends and a angry prince were watching from afar

"Woah who was that?",asked rose ,"I don't know but Travis seems to be close to him , he giggled he never giggled with us " joy stated "Hawk why do u look so angry " asked Astoria "it's nothing " hawk gritted his teeth "ohh are you jealous that Travis is being comfortable with him and not u "said rose , hawk just walked away without a word ,"so he definitely likes him and Im sure Travis like him back he is just to afraid to say anything "stated joy ,"Girls we need to do something operation 'HAVIS'!!"spoke rose .They all started planning about how they were gonna do this

Hey! Guys this is my first story and Im new to this so I apologise for any mistakes and if it is not good I will update my story every weekend so if u do read it don't worry it won't be left alone !  

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