budget cuts

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Arianna’s POV

I was in the Man Cave with everyone and Dad was discussing budget cuts with us. Recently the Vice Mayor had decided to cut ninety percent of our budget and none of us liked it. The only reason it’s cut is because the vice mayor has decided to build a high speed railroad that costs ten billion dollars and this causes our budget to be cut.

“Today in the Man Cave we’re gonna be talking about budget cuts.” Dad began as he showed a picture of budget cuts on the screens. “What does it mean?”

Jade raised her hand. 


“That our budget been cut?” She replied.

“Yes, and since the city of Swellview isn’t gonna be giving us nearly enough money to fight crime anymore, we’re gonna need to make some changes around here.” Dad concluded and I rested my head on Henry’s shoulder.

“Oh show them what you made me do to shnack machine!” Schwoz smiled and I played Sky Whale on my phone.

“I was just about to talk about that! God!” Dad snapped. “The Auto-Snacker is no longer free. As I will now demonstrate.” Dad put his hand on the snacker. “Tuna Pot Pie.”

I scrunch my nose at this. Who the heck eats Tuna.

“Tuna Pot Pie. Fifteen dollars.”

“Fifteen dollars?”

“For a pot pie dude!”

“Come on!”

“Well tough tuna!” Dad interrupted. “We don’t have enough money for employees to get free food anymore.”

Jade pouted at hearing about this.

“Now next.” He switched the screen to ‘bathroom fees’. “Going to the bathroom here will no longer be free.”


“Is that even legal?!” 

“I gotta pay to use my own toilet!”

“You’re gonna change us to pee?!” Jade asked.

“Well yeah! Stuff like water, toilet paper, and cheese cost money!” Dad argued.

“Okay who eats cheese in the bathroom?” Henry asked, and us girls pointed to Jasper.

“Thanks a lot Ri!” Jasper exclaimed and I smirked at this. “I’m weird because I like eating cheese in the bathroom?” 

“You’re the only person who does it.”

JJ got up and approached Dad. “Okay if we’re really trying to save some money, then why don’t we make Schwoz quit using our come fighting budget to buy a bunch of crazy stuff for himself?!”

Schwoz’s mouth fell open and I grinned menacingly at this. “You’re always using the company credit card for your personal self.” I agreed with Charlotte.

“I don’t do that.” Schwoz protested and I scoffed at hearing this.

“Oh don’t yeah?” I asked and took Dad’s tablet. “Well then why don’t I just read off some of the things you spent our money on last month?”

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