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OK, before you kill me, I just want to say, there are good devs out there. I won't be talking crap about the good devs (I'm just here to sh_t on the bad ones). Also please don't harass anyone mentioned here. These are just my opinions on some of the devs.

Oh boy, the devs. Here we go. I'm sure most of you know the devs (I mean, who am I kidding. They have their own creatures). Well, about those devs, some of them are... really, really annoying. I'm not even kidding. If I was to complain about something, I'm pretty sure they won't listen (LIKE EVERY OTHER GAME- maybe, maybe not. Idk other game devs). Now generally, some of them are pretty cool. From what I've heard, Naut is a pretty cool guy and maybe Eti (idk, I've never met them).

From what I've heard about Erythia... not many good reviews. Apparently she is toxic to people and I can tell why. Archalium is Erythia's dev creature yet I see very few (and I mean VERY FEW) of them in CoS. Although, like most people, everyone has a good and bad side. I remember Erythia's monarchs. They were cute :>

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