Chapter 1

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You stood up straight as you breathed in the fresh air. 

"CoUgH cOuGh-" well...maybe not so fresh.  

You just moved to the new town of Herkleton, and just finished cleaning up the space that is to be your new room. Work got complicated for your father where you used to live and he got let go, and Herkleton seemed to be the best option for you both. 

As you were opening your window to try and clear the dusty air, your father walked in. "Hey kid, how are you liking our new home?" he said as he sat down at the end of your bed.

"It's alright so far, I just hope I can fit in with everybody, and for you to have a successful turn this time around..

"I hope so too (y/n), I think we'll do great here. The neighborhood is nice, I got a new job, and there is so much around for you to go do and make friends!" he chuckled as he grabbed your hand to guide you to sit down beside him. 

"Yeah yeah, I don't know about the friend part though. Those kids out there might not be into the stuff I like, like Doctor Who and D&D is real geeky. Not to mention my very unhealthy obsession with anime.." you looked out the window to see some neighborhood kids biking down the street laughing together, and talking about some Creek. 'It's been awhile since I've had friends that close' you thought to yourself.

"I'm sure you'll be just fine, anyone would be lucky to be friends with you (y/n)! It's their loss if they can't see how amazing you truly are." your father smiled as he hugged you close. 

'Maybe he's right. I mean, I can't just judge these people and make assumptions on what they like.'

"Thanks dad, I'll try and make some friends soon." you smiled, and your father gave you a nod and walked back out the bedroom door. 

'Right, let's make this room' 

After moving around your bed and desk multiple times, unpacking boxes of clothes/books/knickknacks, and hanging up your favorite posters/pictures, you decided it was a good time to take a break. 

'K, not gonna lie, I'm super hungry right now.'

You trudged through the home looking for your father. "DAAAAAD, WHAT'S FOR DINNERRR?".

"WHAAAT?" he yelled in response. 

"WHAT'S FOR DINNER?" you yelled louder.


'But I just- nvm.' you made you way over to your father.

"Ah good, here." he hands you $40. "Can you go out and get us something for dinner? I need to finish spackling these cracks in the ceiling."

"Sure thing, I'll be back soon" you say as you take the money and walk out the front door.

You head down the sidewalk, making a few turns here and there, and are now walking along a tree line close by the town. You notice fewer and fewer building around you.

'Fuck..I'm lost.'


Hi! Thanks for checking this out. This story was kind of a spur of moment type of thing. 

I might ask for requests later on if I run out of ideas. So far this was just an introductory/filler chapter to set the stage for Chapter 2! Next time some characters will come into play. 

Anywho, thanks again.

- Shane

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2022 ⏰

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