Journey to Hogwarts

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The train would start moving any second now.
Albus Potter would be off to Hogwarts any second now.
What if he was sorted into Slytherin?
What if everyone hated him?
What would people think about a Slytherin Potter?

Just then the train shook as it started moving forward. Albus waved goodbye to his mother and sister through the window as his father walked alongside the the train.
'Love you, Al,' Harry told him as the train left the station.
Rose, his cousin, giggled as she put her head out the window and wind swept her ginger curly hair.
'It's exciting, isn't it?' Rose asked, beaming as she put her head back in, 'finally going to Hogwarts..'
'Yea..' Albus mumbled worriedly.
'Oh, c'mon Al, stop worrying so much!! There little chance you'll be sorted into Slytherin! And even if you do, there's nothing wrong with it!!'
'Well... I don't know, all the "bad" people seem to come from there!'
'Oh, Stop being, Silly! Everyone on there aren't bad! In fact, I'm sure you would be able to change how others see Slytherin..'
'I guess...' Albus sighed
She was interrupted by the compartment door opening to reveal a rather tall, nervous looking boy, his platinum blonde hair shining in the sunlight.
'M-may I come in?'
There was silence.
'I mea-I mean... If- If you don't want me here, that's fine..'
Albus hesitated
'No, that's fine, come in..'
'Really?.. Thanks!'
'I-I'm Scorpius.. Scorpius Malfoy.. you- you can call me Scorp..' He said, closing the door being him.
Rose and Albus glanced at each other. 
'Albus Potter.. This is my cousin Rose Weasley,' Albus held out a hand nervously
'Oh.... Our parent's never got along really well, did they?'... I mean your dad has brought Teddy to Malfoy manor, but..' Scorpius admitted as he took Al's hand.
'Well, it's only him, really..' Al mumbled.
'Doesn't mean we can't get along, right?' Scorpius beamed, holding a hand out to Rose.
She pretended not to have seen him.
He retrieved his hand.
'Um... Y-you smell nice... Like-like fresh bread-' Scorpius Observed
Rose furrowed her eyebrows.
'Nothing wrong with fresh bread!' He commented.
'Um... Thanks..'
They heard the door open once again.
This time, it was Albus's and Rose's cousin, Roxanne Weasley.
She was dark skinned with dark black hair.
'Oh, it's you two! Was just wondering where u were," Roxanne exclaimed, "Really exciting, first year of Hogwarts!' It was Roxanne's first year too.
'Anyway, have either of you seen Fred? I've been trying to find him for a long time now..' She added.
'I'll help you find him.' Rose volunteered, wanting to escape the awkwardness.
"Thanks, Rose! C'mon," She waved bye to  Albus and grinned at Scorpius as she noticed his presence. Rose followed her.
'Sorry.. she's a bit..' Albus hesitated.
'That's fine! I kinda like it,' Scorpius admitted
'Oh.. um.. well.. You'd probably be in Slytherin, I assume..'
'I hope I'm in Gryffindor... All my family has been in Gryffindor..'
'You don't hate Slytherin do you..? We're better than what it seems,'
'What? No! Of coarse not!'
Albus opened the door to the burrow. His family stared at him in disgust as he came in.
'You're such a disappointment, Albus,' His grandmother exclaimed.
'Yeah, A Slytherin Potter! What will people think!' His sister snapped.
'My son! A Slytherin! Embarrassing... ' His dad complained.
'You stay away from us at Hogwarts, Albus! No one needs to think we hang around with you!'
'We can't be best friends anymore!'
'But-' Albus croaked
'Oh, Shut up!'
'You don't belong in this family..'
Water filled his eyes.. His vision started to blur..
'Albus? Albus!'

A blurry figure stood in front of him.

'Albus are you awake?' The figure whispered.
His vision cleared to reveal Scorpius.
'I.. Did I fall asleep?'
'Yeah.. you were kinda whimpering..'
'Sorry... Bad dream..'
Albus checked his watch.
'We should be reaching Hogwarts anytime soon,' He uttered 'we should get changed.'
They took their robes from their trunks and put them on.
A couple minutes passed and the train was passing through a dark wood.
Albus could only see tall trees towering over them as he looked outside. 
Soon, he could see glimpses of light in between branches as they reached the end of the wood. He could hear wind whistling through the leaves.
Once they left the wood behind, Albus noticed a small platform in the distance. Eventually, as the stop approached, the train slowed down, finally stopping.
Albus and Scorpius left the compartment, they pushed through the people to finally reach the Door.
'Firs' years!! Firs' years come 'ere!' They heard a voice shout in the distance as they stepped on the platform.
They followed the voice to find a person rather too giant for them to be completely human. In fact, he wasn't, he was half-giant.
'Hagrid?' Albus exclaimed.
'Ah, t's yeh, Al! And Rose!' Hagrid replied.
Rose had appeared beside Albus.
'Well, c'mon then kid's! Firs' years! Tha' everyone? Seems like it! Follow me!'
They followed Hagrid down a narrow path. 
''Eer's yer firs' look at 'Ogwarts!'
The path ended at the edge of a large, dark lake. There was a large mountain right in front of the lake.
Sitting on it, Albus was able to see, the silhouette of a magnificent castle, with it's multiple towers, standing against the starry darkening sky.
'It's... beautiful,' Scorpius mumbled in complete-awe.
'Yea...' Albus said, mimicking Scorpius's expression.
'Woah..' Albus heard a familiar, rather loud voice right behind him.
Startled, he turned around. There stood a blonde, green eyed girl.
'Of course, here to ruin my first year of Hogwarts already?'
'Oh sure I wouldn't mind doing so' Alice coughed back 'though, if you do keep your dumb ass away from me, maybe I'll leave you alone.' 
"We'll be getting there with these boats," Hagrid said, there was a fleet of small boats, "Now, remember, o'ly four in a boat!"
Albus and Scorpius entered the closest boat as Rose and Alice followed them.
The boats started moving forward. The kids were all still staring at the castle. Eventually, the boats reached the cliff, they all lowered their heads as they passed a curtain of ivy, and floated through a dark tunnel under the castle. They finally reached a kind of landing, filled with pebbles. 
"Everyone come with me! Don' ge' lost!" Hagrid said as they all scrambled out of the boats.
They followed him up a passageway in the rock, until they came on to the grass, right in front of the castle.
Hagrid knocked on the large doors thrice. 
The were doors swung open by a gray haired, strict looking women; Professor McGonagall.
"Thank you, Hagrid." she said 
She opened the door wider.
The Entrance Hall was enormous. The stone walls were full of light with burning torches. The ceiling was so high, Albus felt microscopic.
A majestic marble staircase was facing them.
Albus could hear hundreds of students from a door on the right.
They followed Professor McGonagall into a small chamber.
They crowded around her.
"Welcome to Hogwarts," said Professor McGonagall. "The start-of-term banquet will begin soon, but before you take your seats, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be like your family. You will have classes with your house, sleep in your house dormitory and spend time in your house common room."
"The four houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced marvelous witches and wizards. While you here, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule-breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with most points is awarded the House Cup, a great honor. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house will become yours. The Sorting Ceremony will take place in front of the rest of the school in a couple of minutes."
"I shall return when we're ready, please wait here." She said as she left the chamber.
Albus gulped, in a few moments, he would be sorted into his house, which, it seemed to him, may decide his future.
All of a sudden, startling Albus, ghosts came through the walls behind them, much to the students surprise.
"Ah, first years already here! Hello children," one of them beamed, "hope to see some of you in Gryffindor!"
Just then the doors opened.
"Form a line and follow me!" Said the sharp voice of Professor McGonagall.
They did as she told and followed her out the chamber, across the entrance hall and into a pair of large double doors leading to the great hall. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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