Interlude 1:The Scent Of Lavender

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It hurts.

He knew it was a trap from the very begining yet he still went in, almost dying in the process.

Why did he do that?

He knew the reason why.


Precious, important information.

Information he wanted, Information that he needed.

Especially if that information from that guy.

Everyone in the Underworld knew that whatever information he have, it's bound to be true.


When they met face to face, he seems to withhold the information he wanted.

Even after doing whatever he wanted from his end, they broke the contract.

He will never forget the face he made upon backstabbing him.

A face of Victory.

Like he had won the lottery.

As if he had gotten rid of the one player that was in his  way the entire time.

He will pay.

He will pay for this.

No one betrays him and get away scot free.

A tbrobbing pain breaks him out from his murderous rage. Leaning and sliding against a tree, he groaned in pain. With his continous blood loss, he would surely bleed to death. Black spots already greeted his vision. Just as he was about to surrender himself to Morpheus' Embrace, he smell a sweet scent.

A delicate combination smell of floral, herbal and evergreen woodsy.

A familiar smell of Lavender....

~End of Interlude 1~

A/N: After two whole years, I'm officially back. :)

Fyi, interludes in this au are meant to represent backstories, memories or even dreams. Whose is it is up to reader's interpretation.

See you all in the next updates!

Published on 2/4/2022

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