Read and understand.

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When we are all young we all get them fazes, mostly stupid ones. But there's some of us who deal with things that are much deeper than that. In this world we live in society is taking over us, forcing us to be categorised into groups they expect us to be..we aren't ever going to be what they want us to be.
There's a few people who stand out and basically give no shits about what people think but there's always them kids who get pushed to the side, the ones with problems they don't speak out loud about..
These are the kids who are lonely; sad, depressed, have social anxiety, eating disorders, self harm...suicidal..etc..
Nowadays 'society' thinks the kids that are like that it's all for attention? How? Sometimes girls or boys who deal with some of the problems above show it, but that's for help? They wouldn't go telling people what they had done not expecting anything to happen?..
I'm just like them.. Not excepted..
I want to help them, but because of bully's and dicks who go round tormenting them, putting them down, making them feel worthless, like a piece of shit...they don't think? Maybe cause they are too stupid to realise what they are doing is wrong.
If you put for example a girl with a lot of friends, liked, confident, beautiful, has to a girl who is sad, a low self esteem, might have an eating disorder, struggles with self harm?, bullied?, thinks she's ugly when she's far from it! Not confident, shy? Look at the two, do you see a difference?
They wouldn't mix and we both know that, but who's more likely to put someone down? The confident one, the one who has friends, the one with a better life overall.
They are the ones who don't think.
They think they are perfect, they aren't.
We should help these girls and boys dealing with something that's putting them down? Make them feel like they are something? If you see something going on which doesn't seem right or you wouldn't like that to happen to you..SAY SOMETHING?... Your just as bad as the bully for watching and doing fuck all...
These are the ones who deserve respect for staying here with us, facing everyday knowing full well what's going to happen, knowing how bad and sad it's going to be...they still get up in the mornings and deal with that. Why can't you?
If your one of these amazing strong people who still live no matter what kind of bullshit life throws at you, these are the people we should sit there and be like;
"Damn, they've had a rough life but they are so strong to stay" - they can be anyone? Maybe a person you know? Someone you don't know but you see them falling apart slowly right before your eyes and not say anything...
They might be a singer? An actor? Just someone who inspires you to live on no matter how bad you feel, they made it so why not you?
If your one of those dealing with the pain of self hate, sadness, depression?...your not alone and please know and understand that, there's people out there who deal with the same day in day out horrible thing we call a life...
We can make it together, if we try and make this world somewhere nicer to be and be accepted easier no matter your race or religion, your problems and your past...
Put down that blade down, wipe them tears, get your hands out from down your throat, stop hiding, smile...
Cause that's what smiles were made for, happiness and I know we all have it somewhere.
Face life as it is and kick its ass? We can make it together!

If you need me inbox me I'm always here ^~^ - Dominique :3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2015 ⏰

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