Sasaki and Miyano

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"Wait so she was his mother all along?!" The ginger said sitting up after the surprising fact he had just learned. He was over at his boyfriend's, watching a show his sister had recommended. It was quite odd for Sasaki to watch things like novelas or reality shows, he found them all very predictable, though this one was quite entertaining for, while the younger boy was still quite confused ever since the second episode.

"wasn't she the girls mom though?" The BL lover ask to the guy who was covering his view.

"No, Anastasia's mom is Barbara's sister, which means her actual father is Jose and not ricardo!" The other said in relief while moving a bit. Miyano just gave up and just nodded and they kept watching until someone came in.

"Yoshikazu sweetie! I'm back from the st- oh hello sasaki-kun what'cha doing here?" It was miyanos mom, as soon as she started talking miyano paused their novela and listen to his mother. The black-haired would get quite embarrassed everytime his mother would come in when he was with his lover, after the whole valentines event, he couldn't look at his mother in the eyes whenever Sasaki was around.

"Oh! Okasan!! I'm just here hanging with My- miyano and watching this series my sister recommended me, would you like to watch it to?" The taller boy said with a warming smile that made the shorter boy's cheeks burn a bit, he loved that sweet smile. It seemed like his mother had notice miyanos nerves so she declined and started to cook dinner.

Miyano just sighed and unpaused their show. "Oh right, before I forget!" Sasaki said while turning around to look at the other boy. A slight 'hum?' Was heard from the black-haired boy and just decided to keep talking. "My parents are celebrating their anniversary today and my sister is still in her trip with her boyfriend, so... do you mind if I stay over? It's boring being alone at home" the ginger said laying down his head on his partners lap. With the sudden action miyano couldn't help but blush and look away. So he just nodded and the proceed to keep watching their show.

《30 minutes later》

A slight knock was heard on the door which made the older boy startled a bit, and quickly sat up and lay back on the wall. "Come in" Said the smaller boy already nervous because he knew who is was.

"Yoshi- oh, hello you two"

It was miyanos father.

"Good afternoon sir! My name is Sasaki Shuumei, it's a pleasure to meet you" The ginger said standing up and leading out his hand. The elder man accepted the gesture and smiled. "So you're the famous Sasaki huh? My son really respects you" The man said letting go of the handshake. Sasaki just turned around to look at his lover and only saw him with his head in the pillow, he found that cute. Sasaki just laughed a bit and ask if he could stay over with the reasons why.

"Of course son! My house is the house of my son's friends!"

'Friends' The bl fan boy thought. He had to get used to that, it's been quite sometime, but, he still dislikes it when they are called 'friends'. He just raised his head to see his father walking out the door and Sasaki just closing back the door. "I think he liked me!" The taller boy said proud of himself. "Yeah" that's all that miyano said, he he had no reason to be upset right? They themselves decided to keep this es secret as possible.

"Mya-chan?" With that the smaller boy came back to reality realizing he had zoned out. He looked up to see the ginger with a worried looked, he just smiled to tell him 'I'm good' which he just received a kiss on the forehead and a smile. There it was the feeling again, that fuzzy and warm feeling on his chest. He loved it. The black-haired boy just smiled back and layed back.

A few minutes after that they both heard miyano's mom calling them for dinner, so they both got up and went down stairs.

"Oh there you are boys, could you set the table while I put the food in the plates?" The slight smaller woman said with a calming smile. They both agreed and started to do so.


"Itadakimasu!" They all said and right after started eating. "Woah! Okasan your cooking is awesome! Thank you" The tallest boy said with a huge smile, it reminded him of his mother's cooking, the only difference was that her seasoning was more 'creative'. Miss Miyano just smiled and kept eating.

The rest of their dinner was talking about how Sasaki and Miyano had met, and about Sasaki's plans for the University. The ginger liked the attention he was getting from both of his lover's parents, at home his parents would be more interested in his grades rather than his day. He understands, but he wants to have a normal conversation with them about each other's day and just an overall okay conversation.

"So Sasaki-kun, hows your girlfriend doing?" The elder man finally ask, which made miyano choke a bit. Sasaki just tap a bit his partner's back, and smiled back at miyanos dad. "Si-" he was interrupted by the smaller boy "dad! Those aren't questions you're suppose to be asking!" Miyano said raised his voice a bit, which made his mother a bit surprised. "Well son I was just asking! A handsome boy like him would have at least 2 girlfriends!" The brown-haired man said in a joking tone. "Yoshino!" His wife finally spoke up, she found that comment way to out of pocket. "Sorry love" that's the last thing he said, the just kept eating.

Sasaki was a bit surprised but still decided to answer the man's question. "Sir, I actually don't have a girlfriend, I don't seem to be interested in any women" Sasaki said trying to break the cold silence. After he realized about what he said he just said "not right now at least" The ginger just shrugged a bit while scratching the back of his head. The boy with a slight darker brown eyed color just turn to look at his father reaction, he just saw a relief smile. With that he just frowned and kept eating.

The silence was killing the mood to rapidly.

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