Chapter 1: how it began

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" hi this is Jake the match maker how may I help you?"
" Hi my name is lora and all I want is a husband , I don't like poor one but ugly is fine , I just don't want anyone playing around me you know just for my money "
I typed the description of the guy she was looking for
" umm miss will around 30 suit your husband?"
" that will do " the lady sounded old and grumpy so I guess who ever bites my bait will only love her money
" so I got five...six person that suits you that will make 40% sure that someone will like you miss lora, now I need you to tell me your background, where you live , how old are you , do you have children , what is your intention why you want a husband, talent , job and everything that I need to know" I opened my note pad and wait for her answer
"Well I live in a mansion here at Alaska and I have a daughter and...I want a husband that will take care of my daughter when I'm gone I'm good at sewing and I quit my job since I'm old but I inherited billions from my parents" I wrote down everything she said and raised my coffee to my mouth
" how old did you say you where? " I took a sip from my coffee
" I'm 52" I was so shock that I spilled the coffee to my lap
" what?! Ouch ouch ouch" the coffee is so hot that I feel like I've been inside a volcano
" Mr.match maker are you alright?" She asked with a soft voice
" hang on I spilled my coffee"
" alright take your time " I stood up and put away my head phones, I went to the bathroom and washed my whole pants
" ow ow ow ow" wen I felt a little better I turned off the shower and looked at my pants
" great ! This is just great!" I changed my pants and got back to my computer
" so where were we?..." I'm trying to recall our last conversation
" well I'm 52 " I'm still shock that a 52 year old lady still thinks she could find love in the internet ,
" wait maybe she's one of those old ladies that looks young " I whispered my self
" what ? I didn't heard you my daughter is talking to me"
" umm could you pls send a picture of your self?"
" sure " she sent a picture that gave me goose bumps,

she's an old lady that looks really old, she wears a black and the red blouse and a long skirt
" umm ... Miss lora...*sigh* I don't want to disappoint you but... I don't think I could find someone for you " I heard a disappointed voice
" why not?"
" well you see... This site is for youngsters and teenagers who's searching for their first dates, I don't think I could help you,... The oldest person who got here is you but before you is 40 and he still can't find one "
" please help me!!"
" I'm sorry miss lora, please do not assume anything from me" I wanted to just shut the phone but I wanted her to agree

My heart beats so fast, I never been this scared before, goose bumps all over me, my eyes are wide up and shock for what I heard, she hanged the call leaving me shocked I put down the headset and stood up
" this is just a prank! Of course! " I giggled and laugh
" are you kidding me? Really?! This is insane... I'm gonna get going" I typed

- callers I'm out of my house so just type down what you need and who you are... Latter!-

I sent it to my followers and went outside
This is one crazy day... I hop on my car and drove to school ...

I'm just a typical highschool guy with many friends and I got my car from my parents they're out of state they're always on a business trip
So I'm always alone at our house, so I just decided to be a match maker , and I got a lot of followers and fans and of course haters will always be there, just like that grumpy old lady.

I parked my car and got in the school
" hey Jake how's it going ?" Greg asked, he's my best pal
" oh nothing much just a 52 year old who wanted love cursed me she said I'll never find love and if I do I'll loose something special"
His face looked confused
" your viginity?" I pushed him away
He laughed and catched up
" I was just kidding bro!"
The class just started as soon as we took our seats
I tried my best to understand our teacher but its so hard, specially when your teacher isn't attractive.
Instead of trying to understand what my teacher is saying I just rolled my eyes and think about the old lady

The whole day I was just thinking about the old lady, I didn't even realize that the day was over I drove back home and locked everything the garage the gates the doors and then I set the alarm, I went up my bedroom and jumped on my bed it was soft that I wanted to sleep already but the computer caught my attention,
12 person tried to call you
I got up to check it " male, male, male , female ,male ,female, female, male , male, male , female , male.... Great I'm running out of female... Why don't you guys just like another guy... Wait...ewww!!!" Another call came in, I answered it
" Hi this is Jake the match maker and your the lucky person that I just answered so make it fast cause I wanna sleep now."
" umm hi I'm Lucy and I need a guy who will date me"
She have a cute voice
" how old are you what do you want and what's your whole background?"
"I'm 17 I'd like a guy who's rich, gentle man , caring, no children, no past wife , industrious , neat , handsome , and has sense of fashion... could you get that for me? "
" are you rich?"
" not that much but I do live alone I just move to this small town called apples town" I was shock cause that's where I live
" where exactly?"
" its lot 6 block 8" I'm surprised its just a road away I looked out of the window and saw her house
" umm could you look outside ? Please"
" why? " then I saw a woman looking out the window holding a phone
" do you see that waving guy infront of your house?"
I weaved trough my window
" oh so you're my neighbor ?!"
I smiled
" yes"
She smiled too she's pretty
" I'm gonna need your picture and your cellphone number"
" this is my personal phone"
I saved her phone number and proceed on the interview, she sent me a picture of her

She have that cute blue eyes and a curly hair
After some chatting she finnaly said goodnight and hanged the phone I lay down the bed smiling, but my smile faded when I remembered that old woman

Will I get my love life without loosing something?
nah!!! its just a prank... A scary one...
And this is where I cut it off thanks for reading it up and please continue the reading *(^_^ )*

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