Restless Nights

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A/N: I did it guys. I'm making the one shots I said I'd make forever ago. Sorry I haven't written one shots in like, a year I think? Wow I'm so off my game.

Well, as usual I'm starting off this one shot series with a bit of angst and comfort. I can't help myself, especially cuz well Gnomeo & Juliet provides a lot of angsty potential. I mean these mfs must be scarred after all the shit they went through and I refuse to believe that dance party ending happened right after all that. So here we'll be exploring some of Juliet's trauma because I said so.

(TW: mentions of death and suicide)

General P.O.V.

Sleep didn't come so easily for Juliet these days. She was lucky if she was able to sleep for more than an hour. It was strange. During the daytime, she was fine. She laughed and made jokes, offered sweet affection to the love of her life. Nobody would've ever suspected she was a victim of countless nightmares. But when the sun went down and everyone was fast asleep, Juliet was restless. She sometimes dreaded just shutting her eyes, fearing that she would see a certain image that was forever burned in her brain ever since she saw it. Of course now she knew it wasn't real. But still, that didn't prevent her subconscious from tormenting her with that dreadful memory.

The day it happened wasn't too long ago, but it was long enough that one might assume she'd gotten over it by now. The day she and Gnomeo's secret love was revealed, and the Reds had chased him out into the street for supposedly "killing" one of their kind. While out in the road, a truck had drove by and the sound of something being smashed was heard by everyone. When the truck was gone and the dust had cleared, a pile of shattered ceramic pieces was revealed to the horrified crowd. Everyone was fooled into thinking it was Gnomeo, that he was run over and killed by that damned truck.

Nobody took it lightly, especially not his mother. But Juliet? Oh, words couldn't describe just how shocked and horrified she was by the sight. In that moment, she had felt her entire world crumble around her and suffocate her in the debris. She felt like she had actually died with him, and truthfully, she wanted to. She didn't want to live in a world without Gnomeo, and in the moment she thought she'd lost him, she tried to run out to him and would've gotten herself killed had her father not stopped her. Looking back on it now, she was partially grateful that her dad held her back and prevented her from getting smashed, since it turned out Gnomeo didn't die that day and what they all saw was just a broken teapot that fell off the truck.

Juliet was eternally thankful that Gnomeo thought quickly enough to grab ahold of the truck before it hit him, and she was especially relieved that she and him somehow survived a gigantic lawnmower crashing into them. She didn't know how they both survived all these near-death experiences, but however it happened, she was glad. Now the feud between their gardens had ended and she could finally be with the man she loved. With him and their families, they were rebuilding their garden and she couldn't be happier.

Well, she could, actually. She wanted so badly to move on from that depressing part of her life and to be happy with Gnomeo. But being constantly reminded of his false smashing was holding her back from being truly happy. Every time she closed her eyes at night, all she could see was the broken blue pieces scattered about in the road. All she could hear was that dreadful sound of something shattering beneath the tires of the truck. It made her sick just thinking about it.

Tonight was no different than any other night. Juliet was laying on the ground with Gnomeo fast asleep right beside her, loosely holding her in his arms while she stared up at the ceiling of the greenhouse. While the rest of the gnomes slept in their garden, she and Gnomeo would spend their nights in the Old Lawrence Place where they first met. They loved their families and were glad they were all getting along, but the couple needed some time to themselves every so often. And after all they went through, nobody objected to their need for privacy.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2022 ⏰

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