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Belle was having the best sleep of her life, not just because she was sleeping on the plush mattress featuring the highest quality memory foam, providing the perfect comfort that hugs her body while still retaining its shape but also because she was in the luxurious spirit of King of Pop's mansion.








She felt right at home as she was surrounded by the many elegant decorations and extravagant pieces of art, and it all worked together to create a relaxing and delightful atmosphere that allowed her to rest peacefully. She drifted off to sleep, feeling truly blissful for having the opportunity to stay and enjoy a peaceful night in Michael's home.

Thousands of women around the globe yearned for the chance to wear her shoes. She felt as if she'd won a cosmic lottery. Here she was spending the night in the mansion of the world's most famous star--she almost wanted to cry out with joy but restrained herself. He'll never forget this special evening! Ever!

She remembered what happened at the fashion show last night. How Michael helped her when she sprained her ankle—like a hero! How he held her in his strong arms and protected her from the paparazzi. She was ecstatic, her heart was filled with joy. But then it happened. It was like her world came to a complete stop. She felt like she was just flying in the sky. She needed to take a moment to process it all.

"Oh my god!" She couldn't believe what she was feeling. Before she could fix her thoughts, she slapped herself. "Belle, what are you thinking?" She had to be firm with herself and try to clear her head. How could she be feeling this way? It couldn't be. "Belle.. get yourself together," she sternly spoke to herself.

Then Belle's eyes darted towards the bedside table, seeing the bouquet and her eyebrows furrowed. Immediately, she remembered the flower Michael had been carrying when she saw him at the fashion show. Could it be that he forgot to give them to Brooke? A wave of envy flooded her body, but she kept her head above it. Examining the bouquet more closely, she caught sight of a card and couldn't resist reading it--her face quickly reddened when she saw her name and realized the flowers were meant for her! Oh, goodness!

For some time, she had been up, seated on her bed, denying her attraction towards Michael. "No way! I don't have a thing for him! I'm not into him...it can't be!" she vehemently assured herself, before suddenly being overwhelmed by the truth. She bursts out with a shriek and starts pulling at her hair with both hands, falls over the bed, and rolls around wildly. A few more shrieks, a crash on the bed, and much more rolling and hammering. After a long struggle with her inner self, she finally submits, murmuring, "Alright, I guess I must confront the fact that I like him - but only a tad!" Belle exclaimed, horrified, and hit herself on the forehead. "Oh, Belle, you are in serious trouble!" She knew deep down that she couldn't deny it anymore, no matter how hard she tried. She sighed and uttered, "Michael, why can't I just not like you?"

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