Trittany~Hidden Feelings

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Brittany's POV
I get on stage and instantly feel a rush of adrenaline. This is the last show of TNS live on stage and the crowd is the loudest it has ever been in my opinion. We introduce ourselves as usual and when the music starts we dance our opening number.

Everyone is dancing their absolute best because it's the last show. It's been a blast and I'm really going to miss everyone... especially Trevor. I've had hidden feelings for him ever since the tour started but I don't want him to know that. I'm afraid it will ruin our friendship.

I run off stage after the opening number and watch as Jordan, Taveeta, and Logan preform their small group routine. There's a few more routines that go on before it's time for Trevor and I's duet.

I take the stage with confidence and see Trevor take the stage from the opposite wing. He smiles at me before the music starts and we begin to dance.

As it comes to the end of our duet it's bitter sweet because I'm having so much fun but I know this is the last time we will get to preform this duet. Trevor takes me in his arms and dips me backwards before the music stops.

We freeze in our ending position breathing heavily. Trevor is looking straight into my eyes and before I know it, his lips are pressed against mine.

Not knowing what do to do I instantly sprint off the stage. "Brittany wait!" I hear Trevor call over the audience screaming but I just keep running. Running until I reach the the dressing room and lock the door behind me.

I collapse on the floor a complete mess. "I really like Trevor... and he just kissed me!" I try to get this through my head and process what just happened. But what if our friendship is ruined because if this? I don't know what I'll do?

Trevor's POV
I've liked Brittany for a while now... ever since I broke up my ex girlfriend Darian. I've never told her before because I'm afraid it would ruin our friendship.

At the end if our duet she looked so beautiful in my arms. I knew this was my last chance so I just leaned in and kissed her. She sprinted off the stage faster than I've ever seen her run and I know that I've just ruined everything. I feel terrible.

I scurry off the stage in a panic after Brittany but I can't find her anywhere. "Which way did she go? Where is she?" I ask the other dancers. "Woah man calm down its okay." says Lamar. "No I need to talk to her!" I reply.

"Maybe we should go talk to her..." suggests Jennie and Victoria. "Okay." I say trying to calm down. The two girls walk down the hallway and soon the rest of them follow leaving me alone with Lamar and Isaac.

"What was that all about?" Isaac asks. "I-I don't know" I sigh. "You've liked her for a while haven't you?" Lamar speaks up. "Yeah I guess so... how did you know?" I ask confused. "I see the way you look at her." he smirks and Isaac laughs.

"I also see the way she looks at you" says Isaac. "She what?" I ask confused. Lamar face palms "I think she likes you too man!" "Oh. Really?! Um what should I do?" I ask. "You should go talk to her" says Isaac.

"Okay I guess that's a good idea. But what if she hates me?" I respond nervously. "You'll never know if you don't try!" laughs Lamar. "What? Are you kidding?" I ask now becoming extremely nervous. "Don't worry man just go! We've got to be back on stage in 5 minutes!" Isaac exclaims.

"Wish me good luck!" I yell before running in the direction the girls left. I sprint as fast as I can suddenly not caring about anyone but Brittany. I get to girls dressing room and hear voices inside so I know they must be in there.

I knock on the door with as much confidence as I can fake before Vic opens the door. She looks at Brittany and nods. They open the door for me to enter as all the girls flee the room leaving Brittany and I alone.

Brittany's POV
The girls coming to talk to me was really sweet. They convinced me that I shouldn't avoid Trevor and that I should just talk to him. I wasn't too sure about this but suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Vic opened the door to reveal Trevor. Before I could say anything they were gone and Trevor and I were alone. "Brittany please just hear me out!" he says walking towards me. I stay silent and I can tell he's struggling to find words.

"Look... I've liked you for a while... I know you're probably mad at me but..." he tries to explain but I cut him off. "I like you too Trevor." "Wait what? Really?" he asks. "Yeah" I admit.

He smiles at me "Brittany I care about you. I'm sorry if I embarrassed you earlier but you just looked so beautiful." He makes me blush. "Sorry I ran away. I just didn't know what to do-" he shut me up with a kiss. I instantly felt fireworks as our lips moved perfectly in sync.

A knock at the door breaks us apart. "Come on guys we've got to get to the stage!" Yells Jennie from outside the door. Trevor grabs my hand pulls me towards the stage at a fast pace. The music starts and we head on stage for the final number.

We're dancing our absolute best and I'm having so much fun! The music comes to an end and and the crowd cheers. It's now time to answer some questions.


"How did you guys like filming season 3 of The Next Step?" asks a girl named Rebecca. "It was so much fun! We all get along really well which just makes it 100 times better!" answers Jordan.

"I have a question for Brittany and Trevor!" one little girl calls out. My stomach starts flipping. "Are you two dating?" she asks. I don't know what to say. Me and Trevor both have feelings for each other but I don't know if he really wants to date me.

The butterflies are instantly gone as Trevor smiles and walks over to me. "Brittany will you be my girlfriend?" his lips connect with mine and I smile against his mouth. "Yes. I will be your girlfriend."


So I hope you guys liked my first story! They'll most likely get better as I move along. If you have any feedback or liked it please vote/comment!

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