The original is a book by C. M. Kosemen (alias: Nemo Ramjet)
There is no physical copy of this book and I genuinely hate reading pdfs with a passion but for some reason can sit and read on Wattpad for hours so I am copying and pasting all 111 pages so that I can actually read the book. I am not adding anything to this story, no notes corrections, nothing.
The only change made is the fact that I did not space out the paragraphs like they are in the PDF because that would've taken way too long for me to do and I'm really just doing this for me, but since I'm publishing it publicly I am stating all this so people cant get pissy with me.
There are also many photos that go along with the story but I'm sure some of them would get flagged by Wattpad so I'm not even going to bother. Hopefully, this doesn't get taken down :)
All chapters in one part because I hate the ads.