The Netflix Debate

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I am so excited to get home from a long day of work. There's a wicked storm with lots of lighting and thunder. It's Friday afternoon and that means I get to come home and spend the whole night with the most amazing woman in the world. We've been married for 3 and a half months now and I can't get enough of it. She told me that morning before I left for work that we could have a Netflix date tonight. That made my whole day better. I park the car and as I open the door, I hear "Welcome home sweetheart!" The sound of her voice makes my heart skip a beat like an old music record. We settle down for dinner and talk about each other's day. We ordered Chinese and ate while the storm started to pick up. I was telling her about how much I was thinking about our date tonight, some noodles hang out of my mouth as I don't have good table manners. She just laughs that amazing laugh that makes me melt and sucks the noodle up from my chin and we soon come into a kiss. I pause for a second while I take in the moment, kissing her back and then releasing our lips. We clean up and head into the living room for the date we've both been waiting for, for what seemed like an eternity. I plop down on the sofa next to her and put my arms around her. I look into her beautiful eyes for a moment and we just stare at each other awkwardly for a few seconds. I blush and look away as she puts her head on my chest. We haven't decided what we where going to watch yet so I asked her and she shrugged with a blank expression on her face. She took a minute and thought about. I soon realized that my favorite show The Marvel vs DC season premier is going to be on in about 5 minutes. I start to get exited and right when I'm about to tell her she says "I just remembered!! 50 Shades of Grey is coming on in 20 minutes!!" She squealed. "I remember when that was just a book and now I cant believe it's been made into a movie." She pauses a minute and gets a huge smile on her face. "We had some good experiences with that movie haven't we?" She said with a grin as mischievous as a Jester. I just blushed even more and I managed to say, "The season premier of Marvel vs DC is on in 3 minutes and it's 30 minutes long. She sighs a tired sigh. "I really wanted to see 50 Shades babe." She says. "I know but this won't be on Netflix for over a year" I whined. She gives me that 'are you serious?' look. "If we watch my show we can watch the last hour!" I tried to say with a positive expression. She didn't bite it and just looked at me more. All of the sudden there was a crack louder than Zeus in rage, coming from outside. Next thing you know we are sitting in pitch dark. We both sit in the silent dark room and I hear the sound of her leaving the couch. I get up and look for her so she doesn't hurt herself. I see a dim light coming from the kitchen. Then it gets bigger and out she comes with a flashlight. There's something else in her other hand but I can't make it out in the dark. She sits me back down on the sofa and shines the light on the object in her hand. It's a box of condoms. I blush and we start kissing. This beats any movie night.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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