Chapter one

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Stefanias POV

I finally got back to my apartment after my long journey back from Italy and immediately tossed all my bags on the floor and headed straight to my bedroom. I went through to my bathroom and got ready for a very needed shower. I turned on the water and got ready to get in, while I began to feel my heart racing rapidly inside my chest as the heat from the shower hit my body. 

"Oh my god he's dead, stop it!" I blurt out loud enough to probably wake up all my neighbours. I took a few deep breaths before calming myself down and getting into the shower. Thinking about the big day I have tomorrow only  intensified the anxiety I was already feeling. I could feel myself tensing up and all my emotions rushing to my head all at once and I had no control of it. I slid down the cold tiled wall in the shower, tucked my knees up to my chest and just sobbed uncontrollably. I sat there for what felt like hours, although it was only about 10 minutes, and finally take a few big deep breaths and compose myself again. I washed myself off and quickly got out the shower and got ready to sleep. Before leaving the bathroom I looked at myself in the mirror and seeing the massive eye bags I caused myself and let out a big sigh, knowing the puffy eyes i'll be greeted with when i wake up in the morning.

I changed into my pj's and finally climbed into bed and checked my phone before going to sleep, being reminded by my emails about my first day joining the cast of 'Station 19' tomorrow and the thought of having to meet new people absolutely terrified me, but I knew I had to do it for my own sake. 

After losing myself in my own thoughts, I ended up drifting off to sleep, thinking about the upcoming events tomorrow. 


Danielles POV

I eventually arrived on set after being stuck in Monday morning traffic for way too long, being greeted by Barrett as I got out of my car and walked towards my trailer.

"Hey girl! Took you long enough to get here!!" she said as she pulled me into a hug.

"I know, I know blame the infuriatingly slow drivers of Los Angeles" I said jokingly

"You know were meeting the new character today?!" she gave me a look which was questionable. "your new love intresttttt!" she squealed with enough excitement for the both of us. I really am excited to meet her but i'm also swamped with nerves as I know how awkward filming intimate/hookup scenes can be, especially with someone you just met. 

"I know B! You haven't stopped going on about it for the last 2 weeks." I say with a slight smile.

"You dont seem all that excited babe, whats up I can tell somethings off" she exclaimed. I know shes right but i'm starting to hate how she's able to read me like an open book now matter how hard I try to hide what I am feeling. "I dont know B, i'm nervous this isnt gonna go well, and you know how I feel about meeting new people on set." I say whilst looking down and fiddling with my thumbs. Knowing exactly why i'm so scared, Barrett pulls me in to a massive hug and doesn't let go for a long time. She's the only one that knows about my past and why I am the way I am. She cupped her hands around my cheeks and looked me dead in the eyes, "Youre safe babe I promise, todays only the table read and i'll be with you the whole time incase you start to feel uneasy, you're okay" she says to me whilst noticing my eyes welling up with tears as she pulled me into another big hug. "I love you B" I managed to get out whilst holding back anymore tears from falling. "I love you too" I hear her say whilst she grabbed my arm softly and we walked towards her trailer to grab some snacks and water. 

Stefanias POV

After having to force myself to get up and get ready this morning I finally made it to my car, throwing my things into the passenger seat. I made the 15 minute drive to set and when I pulled into a parking space and turned off my car, I felt my stomach turn and I start to feel a wave of sickness flow over me. I shook my head in disbelief and took a sip of my water trying to compose myself before I had to leave my car. After a few minutes of taking deep breaths and telling myself i'd be fine, I eventually managed to gather my bags and get out of the car.

I slowly headed towards the trailers where I was greeted by Krista. "Hello Stefania, its a pleasure to finally meet you in person!" I watch as she extends her arm towards me to shake my hand, I cautiously shook her hand and said hello to her. She led me through to where we would have the first table read and I sat on the chair with my name on and my character name 'Carina Deluca'. 

I sat down anxiously waiting for everyone else to come in and take there seats. A few moments later I hear a voice next to me say  "H-hey you must be my new love interest" 



Sorry this is kind of long for a first chapter! I hope you will all enjoy this story. Please let me know any feedback you may have or any likes and dislikes! :)

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