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"I was a loner, who couldn't be found. I want my life to be ordinary. I was a loner who couldn't be found, no more, no more"------

That's what played across her brain. Anna Henderson, sitting on a chair before her desk and listening to "Mediocre Life". Its her favourite song. Once a girl asked her--

[Few weeks ago-

Jennie-Anna, why do you listen to this song again and again?

Anna-IDK. This song is just so relatable. I feel someone is speaking my heart out when I listen to it.].

Students-"Good morning sir".

Teacher-"Good morning"

Anna unplugged her earphones seeing the teacher. She didn't bother to wish him a good morning.

Teacher-"So, are you ready for the test? You know how difficult college entrance exams are, right? The college entrance is very narrow, you've to be very slim to get through it".

Students-"Yes sir".

Teacher-"Here, take one and pass the rest". He said handing the test papers and OMR sheets to the first student of each row.

Teacher-"You've got two hours to finish the exam. no one can write after the time's up. If anybody tries to cheat, that student will get 0 in the exam."

Everybody started writing the test. Eventually two hours passed by.

2 hours later-*bell rings*----

Teacher-"Hands on head!"

Everybody stopped writing and put their hands on their head. The teacher collected the OMR sheets of all the students and went away from the class room.

Bella-"Fuck, that was hard. It was so fucking difficult. [background students chattering]

Nadia-"Yeah, I mean, who sets so difficult question?! Well, I had always hated Physics. I'm so bad at it. I'm good at chemistry tho. Hey, Anna how was your exam?

Anna- It went well. I'm good at physics. I like the subject. But I don't like Chemistry. I suck at it.

Bella-"Are you a psycho? I mean, if you ask all the students, I bet 99% will say they don't like physics."

Anna-"I'm one of that 1%" [background students chattering]

Suddenly Bella got up from her seat and approached the black board. She started writing something which caught everyone's attention. She wrote-

"School ruined my life. Fuck school, exam sucks".

Students-"oh.......oh..oh" [indistinct cheering and chattering]

Anna got up and walked up to Bella. She took a chalk and a duster and wrote-

"Friends ruined my life. Fuck friends, friendship sucks"

Students-" What is she writing?"..............."Does she mean it?"........"Is she serious?" [indistinct whispers]

Anna flipped the chalk  and the duster on the table and went to her desk. she took her bag and looked at Nadia and said-"I'm going home".

The Girl(On Going)Where stories live. Discover now