Letters from Nowhere

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"I never expected to get love, when I needed it the most"

"I don't what to say but, your love changed my life"

"At times, we had terrible times and the saddest times."

"But, no mattter what,"

"I love you."

"Forever & Always"


November 13, 2006

"ISABELLA!! COULD YOU COME HELP ME WITH SOMETHING?!" My mom called from downstairs.

I quickly jumped out of bed and ran downstairs, to see what my mom wanted.

"Yes mom?" I asked.

"Could you get the mail for me?" My mom pleaded.

"Yeah, No problem mom." I smiled.

"Thank you dear."

I slipped on my TOMS and opened the door to feel the cold breeze hit my face. I jogged to the mail, opening the lid. I grabbed the batch of mail and looked through it.

Bill, Bill, Postcard from family, advertisement, and a letter- for me?

I never usually get mail. Weird.

I took the letter to my right hand, away from the other mail.  

I ran back inside, throwing my shoes to the side and giving my mother the batch of mail.

I went back inside my room, quickly shutting the door.

Isabella Lynn Taylor, is my full name. Though, everyone calls me Isabel. I'm in high school and I'm 15 years old. My birthday is coming up and I'll be 16. I live in Portland, a city in Oregon. Living In a two-story house. I'm a only child, just living with my mom. My dad? Well, When I was only about 5, My dad left. Just gone. My mom never told me why. I never got the chance to even ask her about it, cause It'll just bring her to tears. I'm just hoping maybe, one day, I'll know what happen. My mom worked so hard to raise me on her own. I love her for that, She's a hard worker and loves me so much.

I am pretty smart, as everyone says and have straight A's. I plan on being a actor when I'm older. I don't know why, I just really love being on stage and performing for people. Making people happy makes me happy.

I have a best friend, her name is Carly.  

She's been my best friend since like 2nd grade! It was kind of weird though, of how we met.

It was in the middle of 2nd grade year and I was going out for the lead role in a play. At the same time, Carly was too. The director couldn't choose which one for the lead role cause we were both so good. Specially, at such a young age.

We would fight over the role and yell at each other. We ended up having to show off another line and the director would see was better, so like a battle off?

But, Carly ended up getting the lead role and I got the role of her "Friend" which only got like 3 lines. She rubbed it in my face, then got the idea that I was angry. She felt bad and she talked to me after practice. We keep talking and talking, that we became best friends. Now, we spend like everyday with each other.

I looked down at the letter in my hands. Scared to open it. I read the address in the corner.

Jake Henderson

Family Care Hospital 

14780 Se Cambridge Rd. 

New orleans, Louisiana

Oh my gosh. New Orleans? That's so far away. I don't know anyone from there. How could this possible get to me. Why was it send from a hospital and I'm pretty sure I know, no one named Jake Henderson.

I took a deep breath and turned the letter around, carefully opening the envelope. 

I took out the lined paper and opened it's folds. The handwriting was pretty neat and clean. I scanned the paper before reading it.

Dear Unknown Person,

I writing to you because, well, I'm not sure why. I guess it's because IM so lonely. I'm so TIRED of living in this hospital room alone, only with my parents and doctors and nurses, around. I don't really get to see any of my friends anymore.

So, I decided to write to a random person. I know it's pretty dangerous to write to someone I've never met before, because you could be some murder or something. But right now, I don't give a damn. I am hating my life, I want to survive and I'm fighting it throught it. It's hard. It's making my life worse and worse, day by, day.

I bet you don't even care at this point. Of course you wouldn't, you don't know me, I don't know you. We're just strangers.  

I'm just wondering, whether you're going to write back or not.

Anyways, Goodbye Stranger and I'll wait and see if I'll ever get a letter back from you.

Love, Jake xx

I ran my fingers through my hair, letting out a sigh.

I got up from my spot on the ground, by the door and went over to my desk, grabbing a piece of paper and a pencil.

Deciding that I would write back to Jake.

For some reason, I have this feeling in me, that

I do actually care.

***Author's Note***

Hey Wattpad people!!!!

New story! That's cool. Not really.

I hoped you liked the short, first chappie and maybe you'll check out my other stories! Please and Thank You. :)

 btw. The address is NOT REAL. I MADE IT UP. You should know that. Just making suree ;)

Oh, and sorry Jake's letter is so short! I couldn't really think of anything else.



-Kayly xx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2013 ⏰

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