Untitled Part 1

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Should I just leave all these untitled, so no one knows anything from the title? We'll see-

(Originally written on Feb. 27, 2022)


Sometimes, life decides to just go and metaphorically kick you in the face. Lance was used to it, for the most part. It wasn't personal or anything. Just... life and stuff.

And then he got launched into space. That was personal. That was life's very intentional and targeted way of messing with him. 

Nothing against space, of course. Who didn't love space? It was more the whole, "millions of light years away from Earth" thing that made him want to vengefully kick life back. 

Actually, if he was really trying to be accurate, it was less so life metaphorically kicking him in the face, and more of a kick to the metaphorical crotch. Which was completely unfair because Lance had done nothing to deserve this metaphorical torture. Karmic justice or whatever was not present. This was just cruel. 

Okay, if Lance was being completely honest, he and Hunk had sometimes snuck out after curfew  to grab food from the Garrison's kitchen more often than he had said. But, all things considered, that hardly warranted a mandatory space adventure.

And you might be thinking, "Lance, why not just enjoy the mandatory space adventure?" But trust him, he was. It was just the principle of the matter. If life kicks you in the crotch by forcing you to become an intergalactic superhero, than you're not just going to thank life and go about your day, are you?

No, you would not.

Because while yes, Lance was having the time of his life, that didn't mean he was suddenly back home, did it?


Well, that was the first one. The first thing I've written for vld in forever, and it's kind of a "screw you" to myself two years ago writing the most insensitive (and also just plain ooc if I'm gonna be really nit picky over this, which I am) stuff that came to my tiny brain.

I just tried to make this a bit more lighthearted, and actually like it came from Lance's pov, instead of a 6th grader who pretty much said "oooh, what if he was sad and angsty?"

Actually I should write more Voltron stuff, but more of just, like, found family stuff. Because if I had found the show now, that was what I would love it for. Probably gonna rewatch it at some point soon, actually. It's just been awhile. 

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