𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭

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Though I was still exhausted when I got up this morning, I'm getting better as the days pass. I'm considering going to UA on this, my last day of training, but I know that won't happen. Additionally, I am aware that I will praise my efforts to myself, and after today's training is through, I will be able to reflect on it and express my gratitude. However, because this was to be my last day, I made the decision to leave and go to breakfast, which was already set up on the table. I'll also thank mom for that!

I guess I forgot! We really needed to restock our pantry, so Mom went grocery shopping today. It's odd that she left before me, though. I hastily rushed out the door after finally finished my lunch, making sure to lock it afterwards. I caved and chose to take the bus because I was a little late. I normally walk to UA since I haven't taken the bus since the elderly man dozed off and drooled on my hair; I never want to go through that ordeal again. I've experienced a number of humiliating situations, but the one on the bus was and still is truly filthy. However, nobody is to blame—what else is there?

Despite thinking I was running late, I managed to arrive at UA in a short amount of time. 'Lucky me,' I ran all the way up the stairs to floor 2, where my class was located, which is where I arrived in a short amount of time. Iida and Uraraka came out of the classroom and caught my attention as I was running through the corridors.

"Come'on Deku, hurry before the bell rings!" Uraraka said cheering me on.

"Midoriya, you can still make it in time, don't run in the halls." Iida stated with his silly hand chopping gesture.

I nodded my head and started speed walking instead while Uraraka kept cheering me on, jumping up and down out of joy "Go, go, go!"

I made it to the front of the class and greeted them both before walking inside the classroom, I sat at my usual seat behind Kacchan and greeted Uraraka again by sending a little wave, which of course, I got a wave back. "Hey hey, Midoriya!" Denki came over and sat in a seat that was empty, "Oh hey, what's up?"

"Pfft, the ceiling... No I mean- that's not what I meant" Denki snorted "I was talking with Bakugou the other day about silly nicknames and stuff, and I was wondering how did you come up with that 'cute' nickname you gave him?" Denki asked pointing fingers at Kacchan who was too busy talking to Kirishima.

"Well I really don't know to be honest, It was so long ago and I was only a kid so I wouldn't know." I said rubbing the back of my head a bit bashful. I am surprised someone asked about the nickname I gave him, normally people would just ignore the silly nickname and get straight to the point, but Denki's the first I guess. "Okay okay, next question" Denki paused for a second, almost like if he's deciding whether to continue or not "Can i call him Kacchan too?"

"Sure, why not, but would he let you?" I replied to his question unsure what else to say, "Of course he'll let me, him and I are pals!"

"I can hear you, you moron!" Kacchan yelled through gritted teeth, "Aww come on Kirishima, you were supposed to keep 'kacchan' busy" Denki said walking towards them while Kacchan continued his yelling. Meanwhile, I was watching the whole thing go down till the bell rung.

Class wasn't all that different, we put on our gym uniforms and went on for another training with the big three, afterwards, Present mic came in for english class. After english we have math with Ectoplasm. I tried getting through the classes as fast as possible, thinking about that book I read yesterday. Yesterday when I was walking back home, I stopped at a bookstore, I wasn't really into books but one particular one caught my interest, I read through some pages and stopped at chapter 8, I was gonna buy it and take it home but I didn't have any cash on me. I made sure to take some extra cash on me today because I'm hoping to take it home and read it during night time. The book was so amazing, I was literally fanboying over the main protagonist. It was weird though, I'm not usually like this. I ended up making doodles of him with little hearts above his head. Uraraka must've noticed me dozing off since she told Tokoyami to pass the letter down to me. I ripped out a paper and replied to her, she was wondering 'why I was dozing off and if something was on my mind', I told her a little lie and gave it to Tokoyami.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2023 ⏰

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