Sunny Mascot

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"Ahhhhh... What's up with the weather today?!!" you were working for a job to pay rent and bills, you weren't approved to many much businesses and companies due to your poor skills and low status in your information, eventually a miracle has found you, while you were browsing for jobs a friend of yours offered a job at their store, a store full of plushies and toys, you already saw the big opportunity when your friend offered you a job, so you immediately accepted it, but not expecting to be a standing mascot that's giving out posters to each citizens that passes by the store, you were a bit shy but you encourage yourself sometimes to keep going as this is your job today.


(Your costume)

The radiating heat was slowly blasting through your costume, you felt like soaking in sweat everywhere on your body inside the costume, you didn't get to pass much posters as you did before since only a few had passed the store, you went inside th...

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The radiating heat was slowly blasting through your costume, you felt like soaking in sweat everywhere on your body inside the costume, you didn't get to pass much posters as you did before since only a few had passed the store, you went inside the the store and where your friend who was idly sitting and watching the T.V that was up on the corner of the ceiling, they worked as the cash register, you peeked half of your body to the entrance and asked"Hey uh.. mind telling me what time is it?" your friend glanced at you and then they checked their watch, "oh it's 12:05, it's time for your lunch break, sorry if I didn't get to say it earlier.. I guess I got a little too distracted by this show."  they said as they pointed out the show that they were watching, "It's fine, and I AM STARVING!!" you said with the last phrase with a groaning tone "Feed ya self bud, you don't wanna die young." they giggled, you rolled your eyes with a small grin and went on to get your packed homemade sandwich that was in your backpack that you brought in your job, you placed the left over posters that you had on the register counter, then after you got your sandwich you sat by a bench that was already near the store entrance, luckily it wasn't rayed by the hot sunlight so you sat on your lucky spot, you then took off the head of your costume and placed it right beside you on the bench and you peacefully ate your homemade sandwich.


"Why did it become so suddenly hot this afternoon.." your thoughts said as you were munching and enjoying your sandwich, you rubbed your forearm to your sweating forehead, you watched citizens walk by, mothers who were carrying their infant child, elders who were accompanied by their relatives, kids playing with their other friends, other people who were in a hurry, people who were on dates, "Same old routine" you took the last bite of your first sandwich and took the second sandwich that you packed, well damn you were on another stage of starvation, you watched the  kids playing tag with you eating your second sandwich, one kid was chasing the other and as the other kid was running as fast as they can, you dazed on the bright cloudy sky as the breezy wind flows on your face, but then one of the kids had took the head of your costume that was sitting on the bench beside you and putted it on, "I AM THE KING OF ALL BEARS!!" the kid who wore the costume said, all the other kids had laughed at them, you sat up in shock as you didn't actually notice the kid had wore your costume, "Hey!-" you were about to say something but the kid had took it off and threw it away and made a run with the other kids, "That brat.."  you turned your head to the costume that had been thrown and it was quickly rolling somewhere.

"OH NOO!! IT'S GOING TO GET DIRTY!!!" you panicked and quickly dropped your sandwich on the floor and ran for the costume that was rolling continuously, the street had a quite a slope so the costume had rolled down and the pace went faster as it rolls, "I'M GOING TO GET A HELL OF SCRUBBING IF YOU KEEP ROLLING!!" you tried running faster but the costume that you had wore made you feel heavy, the costume had bumped and stopped on a foot with red and white colored shoes, "The spelling seems-" "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE SPELLING-"  the red-shoe man felt a small bump on his foot and looked down under him and noticed what had bumped him, you stopped on your tracks huffing and inhaling heavily for fresh air, you had both of your hands on your knees as you were standing and your head was looking on the ground, you looked up at the man that now you saw with red glassed and a unique looking hairstyle with another man who had a lavender colored hair with a mask, "I'm so sorry sir! The costume had rolled down so I had to chase for it." you said as you were pointing out what was yours and still huffing, the man looked at you that still had an irritating look on his face, you swore you could've saw a quick developed red on his face but it seemed to disappear, maybe it was a hallucination?

"I-i see um.." the man bent down and picked up the costume and walked directly to you, he handed over your costume, "Thank you sir, I thought this costume was going to give me another hour of scrubbing at home." you gave him a quick smile and a nervous giggle, "Say dear, you look very beautiful, mind telling us your name?"  The lavender-haired man asked, you then started to feel uncomfortable, "Oh and my name's Melone, don't worry I don't bite." 'it's still broad daylight so maybe it won't hurt for a response?' you thought nervously, "The name's Y/N!" you offered a handshake with a smile, Melone had a weirdly looking smirk on his face and approached your handshake, when he was about to shake your hand, the man with red glasses had stopped him by holding back his wrist, "Ghiaccio's the name. don't even let him touch you, i'm telling you." you were quite surprised but had now been curious about these two, "You're no fun." He pouted. "Go fuck yourself Melone." you chuckled lightly but then your stomach growled, loud enough for both of the men infront of you to hear, 'Ah shit.'  both of the men had looked at you, awkward silence had creeped up. "Are you starving?" Melone said and was holding back a laugh, embarrassed. you had admitted you were starving and told them you dropped your sandwich on the ground, "Both of us are out here to eat, wanna join in?" My treat since earlier I lost a bet with Ghiaccio." you were unsure of what you were going to answer, "Tsk, you're the worst at betting." Ghiaccio said as he was looking down and had both of his hands on his pocket, Melone rolled his eyes,"We're not bad guys dear." he gave you an assuring look that he didn't had any other bad intentions, between all of you had brief silence. "Sure.." Ghiaccio glanced at you and his form tensed quite a bit, "Di Molto! Follow me!" you still had time to eat on lunch break, but a free meal? that's a victory for you, you were tired of tasting the same sandwich everyday after all.

Melone approached you and placed his arm on your shoulder as he led you the restaurant you guys were going to eat, you were startled but then Ghiaccio then removed Melone's arm on your shoulder and he placed both of his hands on your shoulder, he shoved you beside him as he went between the both of you while you were both walking, "Hey why so protective? we just met them." Melone raised a brow and smirked, you quickly had blushed after realizing Ghiaccio was quite acting like a gentleman, you quickly looked on the ground to hide the red face that had developed, "Shut the fuck up and just go to the damn restaurant."  "Alright alright."  you wondered how would things go out this heated afternoon, would it be awkward? would you be a burden to them? "Hey guys are you sure you want me to come? I mean I don't want to be a burden to both of you."  both of them looked at you, "Silly, you're not a burden! I was the one who invited you why would you be a burden?" "Nothing just thought of it." "Ghiaccio do you have something to say too hm?"  Ghiaccio gave him a pissed-off look, "What not gonna answer? Did you finally realize you were a pussy-" "PFFT-" "I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!!"  Ghiaccio had tackled Melone, as Melone was holding him back, you watched the scene thinking if this was normal, should you stop it or just keep watching? how would this heated afternoon turn out this day? You still watched the chaotic scene beside you while you were laughing at them.

A/N : i don't know when i'll start writing day 2 but i'll be sure to upload them \(^o^)/

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