Sana's point of view
Do you sometimes feel like you want to run away?
Do you sometimes feel like you want to just hide or... Disappear for a moment or for a lifetime
Do you sometimes feel like why am I still alive? Why do I have to get through these shits?
Do you sometimes feel like, life is not worth it?
Have you ever compared yourself to others' life?
Like why at the age of 22 they already achieved their dreams? House, cars, jobs, all the things they needed to survive, all the things you needed and eventually say that "finally! I'm living in my dreams"
But here you are, reading my rant because maybe you are also like me...
Have you ever felt and realized that going to school, and struggling with your school works is much easier than working your ass when you get older?
Have you ever gotten tired of proving yourself to others? Like you have to stand still and show them that you are not the person they are talking to or thinking, worst, describing.
Wake up, work your ass, survive...
Days when we were younger the only problem we have is what? Waking up in the morning preparing for school then after school, everything is fine.
You enjoy life without caring what will happen tomorrow, you don't think that you have to be better the next day.
Heartaches that would last two to three days because our crush doesn't crush us back? So we un-crush and look for another crush
Struggling to copy our classmate's assignment because you watched your favorite cartoons or anime when you were a kid, or you slept earlier because you are tired of playing at school with your friends.
I wish I wouldn't get old. I wish I was like Peter pan never gets old...
Living my life without thinking of the future, enjoying the moment. But that's not how life is
Reality is shit
"Jeongyeon, here is my payment for the beer" Sana stands up gets her uniform coat
Or her coat from her job before she gets fired earlier
"Rough day?" Jeongyeon asked
"Just like other days" Sana shrugged her shoulder then walks out of the small bar
This is just another part of tough days, Sana, get back on your feet! This is nothing. Get yourself together we cannot give up
Not now
Or never...
"I'm home" Sana wanted to inform her wife Nayeon but she is sure Nayeon is already sleeping and her voice is not that loud because she doesn't have much energy left
Sana standing in the middle of her small apartment, studio type apartment
At the corner you will see a book shelved and behind that is their bed, and most probably where Nayeon is already sleeping
Sana looking at her old model Television,
The small kitchen that she dreamed to have a big one because Nayeon loves to cook, Kitchen is Nayeon's serene place, when Nayeon is mad and sad she will cook and everything will be fine.