What A Night!

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She was walking restlessly in her bedroom. She was perplexed by her present situation. Despite that, still, she had no idea when she will wake from this long dream and her complex emotions for Michael, then she suddenly received news that Roger has come which made everything worse. Everything was in chaos. Is it even possible for her situation to become more chaotic than it is now?

Belle's chest tightened as she remembered Michael's words - a harsh blow to her heart. To make matters worse, Prince was here to profess his love - as if Belle would care! She didn't even like Prince. She sighed, scolding herself for thinking how much better it would be if it were Michael who was professing his love.

The warmth in the side of Belle's eyes suddenly filled as if tears were going to form, but she held them back. "Come on, Belle!" She muttered to herself. The door opened and in came Sophie, a wide smile placed on her face. She walked directly to the bed and lounged there. Quickly pushing the feelings away, Belle attempted to look alright for her sister. "Don't even think about it, Sophie," She said right away. "I'm not having it today."

"Why didn't you let me know?" She demanded. "You didn't even give me the courtesy of informing me!" Sophia said a little exaggeratedly.

The frustration was palpable on Sophia's face, and Belle rolled her eyes in obvious irritation. "You didn't give me a chance to say anything!" Belle snapped. "Before I could explain, you just hung up!"

Sophie chuckled and made a peace sign. "Sorry. My bad," she said and grinned at her sister. "You're just so unbelievable, Ate Belle. I mean, even Quincy Jones had a hard time convincing Michael Joseph Jackson and Prince Roger Nelson to come to the same venue, but you got them here effortlessly - can you even comprehend how amazing that is? I'm sure my classmates are just going to die of envy - and awe - when I tell them about it. This is just so surreal, I still can't wrap my head around it. Like real Gods from Mount Olympus visiting a mortals' home and having a meal with us. What kinda power do you even possess that could do this? You're the bee's knees."

Belle scolded her sister firmly. "Don't you even think of revealing Michael and Prince's presence in our home Sophie!" Belle said in a menacing tone. "Are you trying to have me be the target of everyone's gossip and speculation regarding them being here?!"

Sophie made a mocking laugh. "Ate Belle, hello? The whole world already knows, okay? Did you see how many reporters and paparazzi were outside our house? They saw the car of those two overly famous singers enter here and they wasted no time in taking pictures. Now, expect to see photos or hear news from them on all TV and Radio stations! We won't be able to avoid the topic, so you might as well get used to it and be prepared for the questions people will be asking about what's happening in our house."

Belle was caught off guard by Sophia's words, experiencing a migraine all of a sudden. Despite this, Belle had to admit that her younger sibling was correct. "Ate Belle, don't you know that worldwide, thousands of ladies are in awe of having your same existence? All my friends at school can't get enough of those two superstars, mainly Michael! He is every girl's fantasy! He's one in a million!"

Without uttering a word, Belle looked daggers at her sister. "So between Michael and Prince, who do you want as your boyfriend?" Sophia prompted.

Belle's response was a sharp hiss. "First of all, I have no plans to date anyone. Secondly, it's obvious that Michael doesn't like me because I'm not his type," she spat. Ouch. Though it stung, it was for the best that the truth was accepted.

Sophie exclaimed, "Ate Belle, did you see how Michael got angry when Prince said he likes you and wants you back?"

Belle remained silent, not convinced. She did not want to jump to conclusions. "I used to say there was no chance for Michael to like you," Sophia assured, "but now I'm taking it back. It's quite clear that he's feeling competitive with Prince based on how he was eyeing you."

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