Meeting him.

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You were never one for balls.

But here you were, on the way to one.

It was your season debut, something that your Mama had been going on about for weeks now. You needed to be on your best behaviour, you needed to dance the night away until your feet hurt with every gentleman that wanted to get to know you.

However, you did not believe this to be an authentic setting to do so. You always believed that you would find your husband somewhere not so orchestrated. You knew you needed to marry, you always wanted to have the fairy-tale lifestyle with someone you loved so dearly.

"Keep that smile on your face, darling." Your mother said, you were the eldest of three. Your sister sat to the side of you and your brother on the other side of your mother.

"Of course, mother."

The carriage pulled to a holt outside of Lady Danbury's estate and you could already hear the music from inside. You knew as soon as you got out of the carriage, the worlds eyes would be on you, including Lady Whistledown.

Your brother got out first, helping you down. You all walked inside, the array of different coloured dresses flew around as everyone was dancing and gossiping away.

"Remember to get your dance card as full as possible." Your mother whispered into your ear, whilst she was looking around the room.

You weren't ugly, that was known, even to you. However, you were far from desirable. In this society, to be a slighter bigger woman was frowned upon. You knew that it would be harder for you to attract a suitor but that wasn't going to stop you from enjoying your evening. Plus, your mother had always thought you were the most wonderful and gorgeous human being to walk the earth.

"Mrs Y/L/N, what a pleasure." Lady Danbury approached, with her signature walking stick. You smiled up at her and she returned it, "This must be your eldest."

"Hopefully the new season's diamond." Your mother replied.


"What? I can't live in hope." She pushed you along towards the dancefloor, so you could enjoy your evening.

About an hour had passed, you had a few dances with a few lovely young men but none that stood out to you. All of them were gentleman, they were kind and not at all unsuitable, but you weren't going to settle for mediocre. If you couldn't find someone this season, you would simply wait.

You went to table where the punch was and stood there, taking a sip. Everyone was too busy on the dancefloor, and you wanted a moments respite.

"I find standing here away from everything, is the best thing to do at things like this." A voice came from the side of you. It startled you as you looked up to see a man, who was incredibly handsome.

"It seems that I am quite tired after only three dances, maybe this life isn't for me after all." Sarcasm dripped in your voice as you took another sip of your drink, still facing forward.

The man laughed, "What's your name?"

Turning to face him now, you looked into his blue eyes, the slight twinkle from the candlelight around the room, "Y/N Y/L/N, and you?"

"Benedict. Benedict Bridgerton."

You choked on your drink, "Mr Bridgerton. Please forgive me, I had no idea."

Again, he laughs, "No need for any of that, Miss."

You nod at him and look back at all the people dancing. Benedict doesn't move from your side; he stays there, and you can feel him looking at you.

"Paint a picture, it will last longer."

"Maybe I will." He leaned into your ear, grabbing your wrist as he did so. Your heart thumped in your chest as his fingers graced your gloved wrist. You had never been this close to a man before and for him to be so bold. You couldn't even form a sentence to reply to him.

He grabbed your dance card and wrote his name down, "I look forward to our dance." And with that, he walked away. Leaving you dumbfounded.

After the encounter with Benedict, you couldn't be more excited to dance with him, but you had a few more with other suitors before you could dance with him.

Mr Smith was your last dance before Benedict. He took you around the dancefloor with ease and suave, he was dreamy to say the least. The way he feathered his fingers on your waist, not enough to impose but enough to show dominance.

You were left breathless as the song came to an end, Mr Smith took your gloved hand and kissed it gently. You nodded your head towards him and went over to take a sip of your drink.

"That seemed to go well." Your Mother was beside you.

"He is a very lovely gentleman."

"And kind on the eyes." She nudged you with her elbow but straighten up when she saw Mr Bridgerton coming towards you both.

"Mr Bridgerton." Both you and your mother said in sync.

"I was rather hoping I could take your daughter for her last dance." He held out his hand towards you, you looked towards your mother who had the look of glee on her face. You took his hand in your own, his hands were much bigger than yours and he was clearly a little old than you.

As soon as your eyes met his on the dancefloor, all thoughts left your head. It was just you and Benedict, on that dancefloor and no one else seemed to matter. You were hoping that's what he was feeling too. It's silly, only knowing of someone for a short few hours but them becoming the only sensible thought in your head.

The tempo in the sound had changed, both of your hands hovering in front of one another, mirroring. Almost touching each other but not having the privilege. His eyes burned into your own, he owned the most intense stare you had ever seen.

"I see you enjoyed the company of Mr Smith?" He twirled you around, your back now to him as he was behind you.

"He is a very lovely gentleman." You said, the exact same thing you said to your Mother. You tried to keep your breath steady as he swayed against you with the music.

"And what do you think of me?" He turned you back to face him, his smile plastered on his face. You could get used to that smile.

"I'm not sure."

"Oh, really?"

"I am sure if you are serious, Mr Bridgerton, you will be at my house tomorrow morn. Will you not?"

He smiled, bowing towards you as the song finished, kissing your hand. His lips lingering there as he looked up at you, "Of course, Miss."

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