♡🎀~Part 1~🎀♡

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  {Hey y'all this is the part where people where really angry that the last concert was ruined and they decided to come back to Toronto for another concert.OOP THAT WAS A BIG SPOIL, go on start reading <3}


   I wake up, it was 8:30 and my mom forgot to wake me up I quickly ran to my closet grabbed my black and red sweater and put a black shirt underneath I wore my new black baggy jeans and put them on!.Went I ran down my mom said "oh shoot I forgot about, sorry Tyler"my mom said I grabbed a toast and went I was grabbing it and put it in my mouth and I heard on the TV that the last 4 Town concert was ruined but since the people where mad they where coming back, I started squealing and jumping like crazy! My mom quickly said"Tyler your late go to school and stop your fanboying"she laughed, and so I ran to school when I was there I opened my locker to grab my book until I heard Mei say"bestie assembled" I was to busy looking at the photo of Aaron Z and the she was just saying"Miriam then she said Priya as she took her time and then Abby",but Abby was saying random things and she did her favorite pose then she said"Tyler" and I stopped day dreaming and we all high fived and talked about the concert and if they where going they all said that they are gonna ask there parents.

(Skip went they asked there parents.Anyways the next day at school!)

   I asked my parents they said they wouldn't pay but I said I had enough money for me and my friends so they let me go!(at school)I was at school, they said there parents said yes but they have to get the money I said"no worries I have enough for us,and~ FOR VIP SECTION!"we all squealed and they said how "much are vip section?"I told them"about 2 thousand each!"and Miriam said"are you sure you have 10 thousand dollars, you know the concert is tonight!" And I said"I am sure!"and I added "I already bought the ticked for vip!"and they said"okay"

🍓~Skip,After school~🍓

   I got dressed once I got home, I changed to something more comfy like some baggy jeans and a black and orange sweater and a black shirt under for went I'm hot and need to take off my sweater but if I did I would have a whole crowd around me asking for pics!the girls where outside waiting for me we walked and we where talking and laughing we where fangirling but I was drooling over Aaron Z then Abby said"LETS SPY ON DEVON~" I said "I know y'all like him but he's not that fine what's so good about him?"and they looked at me with an unbelievable face I said"Whatttt?"they said"whatever!"and priya grabbed me and said"we are going to spy on Devon"in a calm voice I said"Fine only this time!"they all said"Ty Tyler!" I said"whatever, but hurry so we can see the concert!"they nodded.we stared at Devon for about 5 minutes so I grabbed them all and I dragged them to the concert where I bought our VIP tickets and we went inside with are VIP tickets in our pocket and I let them go and then the concert started!.then the whole 4 town crew where in the cages like last time went the incident happened me and the girls where all the way at the front we where fangirling/boying I was smiling so hard then I said something i regretted instantly I yelled really loudly this"I LOVE YOU ZBEAR!"I instantly regretted it because the girls said"look at the stage Tyler!" I looked and I saw Aaron Z staring at me I was blushing so hard that it was able to be seen!

🍓~Aaron Z POV~🍓

   I was singing  and dancing with the boys until I heard someone say"I LOVE YOU ZBEAR"I instantly looked at the person who said it while singing while  I was looking at him I saw his friends say"look at the stage Tyler" the boy who called me ZBear looked at me and blushed so hard that it was able to be see he put his mask back up and looked away and his friends where fangirling about what happened.

🍓~Tyler POV~🍓

  The girls were fangirling about what happened I was so blushing really hard I looked back at the stage and saw Aaron Z look away from me and I was instantly fanboying and telling the girls what happened eeek!

🍓~After the concert~🍓

   The girls and me were pushed by a man to a room because we had VIP passes and I instantly said"do you even have manners like at least say may you please follow me? Instead of pushing us"And the man said"If I did you'll think I was kidnapping you, now close your mouth"I started arguing with him that it was able to be heard the 4 town crew came out to see what was wrong Robaire said"Woah, woah what's going on here!"I instantly said"He doesn't have manners"I said in my bratty normal voice the 4 town crew even my friends looked at me and Mei said"if that's bad manner how are you treated at home?"I said "well at home I a-"and then I heared Alex and Alec cut me off I said"WTH Alex!"alex said"I am sorry Tyler" everyone was clearly looking at me like they saw a ghost I said as I accidentally took my hood of from moving my head around and said"oh shoot-" the 4 town crew and my friends said"oh shoot wh-"and they where cut off by the fans around me and that just made everything look crazy I was being attacked by my fans that's when I said"I AM DONE!"and I realized what I just did everyone stopped their fangirling around me Alex and Alec my bodyguards said"Sorry people, me and Tyler are leaving"and I said"Hey stop Alex and Alec, slow down I haven't gotten my autograph yet!"and Alec said"who do you want an autograph from?" I said "Aaron Z"and they said"may we get something of yours so he can sign?"I said"yes!"I took out my sketchbook and handed it to Alec and then they asked"who is Aaron Z?" Aaron Z said"right here"and they said "may you give Tyler your autograph?"Aaron Z said"yes"and wrote his autograph and wrote"I love you ZBear" and grabbed a note from his pocket and put it inside and handed it back Alec and Alex said"Thank you"and added Tyler's friends let's go Tyler's mom said you guys are having a sleepover because she order some strawberry stuff like candy and some pizza"and the girls you squealed it was just so embarrassing the way Alec and Alex came to the concert without me knowing me and the girls started walking and I looked at my sketchbook and saw the cover at the top said"I love you ZBear I blushed so hard that Miriam rubbed my hair I said"MIRIAM NO!"she asked"why"and then I said"you'll see just keep touching my hair"and then my hair just unpuffed and I felt like someone was looking at me I just shooked my hair and I started curling it back with my pencil and they curled a bit but not enough.

🍓~Authors Note~🍓

So this s kinda cringe but it's my first story so I guess it's fine for now but,I hope you like it it wasn't that gay but some smut will appear which will mean that if your 10+ maybe I will allow you guys to read you'll find out next ep!...I changed my mind so smut this is updated lol!

🍓~words 1,273~🍓

~{His beautiful eyes}~Aaron Z x TylerWhere stories live. Discover now