In Another Life

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When the Almighty creates every thing, one of the best thing he made is love.

I am Mara Cianna Monticillo, the one and only child of my beloved parents Ciara and Marco. I am blessed to have a very supportive family. Even I am already at the right age, I can't afford to separate myself from them. 

"Mama, I'll be home late tonight, because Jessa invited me for dinner. We're gonna talk about my job application for Canada," I informed them.

Jessa is my best friend that I haven't seen for quiet awhile because she's already based in Canada working as a teacher.

"Sure sweetheart. Take care." My papa said.

I bid them goodbye and gone to work. I'm a secondary teacher but sadly I'm planning to resign soon when my job application granted.

"Okay, class dismiss. See you tomorrow." I called it a day. My students slowly vanished while I stay to settle my table.

I sighed when I realized that I should enjoy my stay here because I'm sure that I'll be migrated soon. That is my dream ever since, to get a job overseas and bring my parents there.

I woke up from my reverie when I heard my phone ringing. It's Jessa.


"Hello, friend. Are you already there? I'm still on the road. The traffic is heavy." She said a bit irritated.

I chuckled.

"You're in the Philippines eh?" I said mockingly.

"Yeah, right. What do I expect. Anyway, I'll see you later. Bye," She said.

"See you! Bye." I ended the call and pick up my things. Good thing the restaurant we decided to meet is near my school so I'm not worrying about the traffic.

It took me ten minutes to get to the  restaurant. I find a table near the window so Jessa can see me easily.
While waiting for Jessa to arrive, I texted my parents that I'm already at the restaurant.

In my peripheral vision, I saw some one standing, I don't know  why I got curious. That is not my personality.
When I look up, I saw a tall man staring back at me. Another first for me, I never stared to someone eyes because I always felt awkward doing eye contact. But this time, I don't know where did I get my courage to stare at him.

He smile.

That's it. End of me!
My heart beats wild. I feel like I'm going to throw up.

"Good evening ma'am. Anything that I can help you?" Like oh my gosh! Even his voice is captivating.

I think I became statue.

After a while. I still have no courage to speak. I want to look away but my eyes won't let me. His eyes is like a magnet.

He keeps on smiling and that is the only thing that matters to me right now. If my phone didn't interrupt me, I will stare at him forever.

Then I realized, he has a menu in his hand reaching out to me. I'm so embarrassed while getting the menu.

"I-Im sorry..." I apologized.

He bows his head, "no worries, ma'am. Just call me when you're ready to order."

I don't know what's gotten into me. I'm so mesmerized with the way he speaks, the way he smiles.

Jessa arrives. The waiter approach us again and get our orders. I let Jessa decide because I feel like I'm going to stutter when I speak.

I focused myself observing the man. He's about five feet eight inches tall, the way he moves is very manly. He has a perfect jaw lines, pointed nose, kissable lips and perfect shape eyebrows.

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