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Vader had an uncanny sense of time. He sensed rays of light beaming through the window of his room... he sensed it striking the lake, shimmering against its waves. He sensed it filtering through the trees, sparkling against the ice caps on the top of a distant mountain, awakening the flowers of some meadow. He felt it all around him, its life-giving essence.

[Name] was his sunshine. He suited up then opened the chamber. Light slipped between the crack as it opened its mouth and revealed to Vader a whole new world. One filled with happiness, even if temporary, he realized. How long had he ever been allowed to be happy?

[Name], without time to dress, opened her eyes and pulled her gown against her nude body. He wanted to see her in the light. He heard her fuss and found himself laughing at her embarrassment. What was there to be embarrassed about now?

She slid into her gown and Vader gripped her arm. He spoke through his mask, that dark menacing voice. "Where do you think you're going?"

She hated when he took that tone with her. When he treated her like a possession.

Wherever she was going, Vader decided, she wouldn't get far.

Even still, [Name] refused to indulge him with an answer. She walked to her bedroom, Vader following, and closed the door in his face.

She needed time to regroup, and rein her emotions in. She needed time to consider how best to deal with Vader, or else she might fall victim to his heavy persuasion.

[Name] showered, changed clothes, primped and styled her hair. She opened the bedroom door.

Vader stood on the other side. Servants were now awake and Imperial Troops made use of the villa for meetings and briefings.

"Will you walk with me?" [Name] asked. She wouldn't take him far. Just over the bridge, she wanted out - away from the Imperial troops.

His silence always meant "yes". [Name] and Vader walked toward the stairs. He went first, and was sure to keep her a few paces behind him - appearances for the troops she supposed.

Outdoors, Vader felt foolish as he walked amid the blooming flowers, running streams, and grassy hills in his dark black suit. He moved slowly, with hands clasped behind his back as he followed her to the bridge.

[Name] was perfect in her billowy cream colored chiffon dress. So beautiful, he thought. He wondered how long he'd get to keep her. How long until some force of nature, or terrible event stole her away from him?

Even happy , he was sad.

Now away from the curious prying eyes of the Imperial troops and servants, Vader felt himself relax. [Name] leaned over the bridge, following a gaggle of strange looking animals with her eyes as they swam downstream. Vader grabbed her arm, fearful of her falling over. Fear... that ugly word.

"It's all so beautiful," [Name] said. She wanted him to see it...appreciate the beauty around him.

"The Force isn't so giving that it would waste such beauty on my eyes."

"What do you mean?" [Name] asked.

Vader scoured the terrain with his eyes, red coordinates measured the distance of nearby trees, lifeforms, and the rate of the moving water.

"The mask has its limitations," he answered.

"What do you see?"

"Red, the color of blood. Darkness..."

"It's what you want to see, Your Lordship-"

He sighed and the mask whistled. He didn't like the idea of her calling him "Vader" either. And she certainly could never call him Anakin. It was a name she mustn't know.

"I understand..." she said. "We'll have to think of a better way to address you. Perhaps I will call you Vee. V for Vader."

It was a decent alternative.

"Look around you," [Name] said. She spun around. "Trees swaying in the wind, leaves falling, streams running... What your physical vision or what the mask reveals to you isn't important. See the colors of the wind? The purple haze of the flowers and trees giving back to the world? New life for the coming seasons?" Purple pollen blew past them, painting the landscape violet and other purple-colored hues. "See with your heart. Remember what it is like. Don't be afraid to remember."

Vader remembered seeing the sunshine that morning, even without leaving his chamber. But only because of her.

"You've been given a second chance," [Name] said. "A chance at happiness."

A chance? Things always went bad for him. It was his curse.

"My happiness has always been short-lived."

"That's not true," [Name] said.

She leaned against him, facing the bridge. His hands found their way to her arms. He held her.

"Your happiness doesn't have to be short-lived. I know things can go wrong here. You and I are a conflict of interest. As long as you work for the Emperor-"

Two strong hands nearly crushed her arms as his grip tightened.

"Or as long as I work for the queen...but I have the answer to our problems. We could run away together. Away from Naboo... Away from the emperor."

Vader shook his head.

"Your life as a politician and the emperor aren't the only conflicts of interest between us."

He spun her around, forcing her to gaze into the blackness of his mask. He saw the question in her eyes and reached forth and grabbed her face.

"I know your secret."

It was time for the truth. [Name]'s heart thumped wildly.

"You are the Jedi I've been looking for..."

Her face blanched and he knew it was true.

"I was...thirteen... a padawan learner when the temple was overtaken by Clone troops. I never learned to use the force. I did not have a master. I hid when the other Padawan learners were killed. But I did not see the face of the killer. Was it you? Did you kill the children?" she asked.

"No." Vader answered. He justified this lie, believing he was Anakin Skywalker then.

"I was dispatched to destroy the Jedi. For ten years, I've traced them throughout the galaxy, leaving no rock unturned. And now, you are the last. I knew the moment I laid eyes on you."

"So you pretended not to know? But eventually planned to destroy me?"

She stared at him. Her large [Colour] eyes glistened with tears.

"[Full Name]... you are my captive."

It was the only way to justify possessing her. He knew it was wrong, but the words spilled from his mouth anyway. "The queen has already been informed. When I leave, you will come with me."

"And go where?" [Name] protested.

"We will conquer the galaxy together."

" can't leave the emperor behind? The wars? The fighting? And love me?"

She leaned against the dancing lights on his chest and closed her eyes. She suddenly felt miserable. The guilt of having survived the massacre at the temple was enough? But to love the man responsible for killing Jedi... to love him in spite of being his prisoner? Why did she feel this way? How did she justify it?

"I will be traveling to the Outer Rim territories to finish the war with the Cheecon fighters. It is far too dangerous for you. You will remain in this villa, under the guard of my troops. When I return, you will leave with me. Permanently."

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