Breakfast Dessert (Ken and N. VIXX)

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Ken and N were an... interesting pair. Their relationship couldn't really be described as one but people on the outside always figured they were together. They were awfully skinshippy with one another; always holding hands or hugging. There would even be an occasional peck on the cheek, but it wasn't odd for the pair. They were best friends and that was how they showed they cared for one another. Some people would look at them awkwardly but they didnt care that they were being judged. They had other things people would judge more heavily for if they knew. All of their outside actions covered up a secret. A dirty little secret that no one but the two knew. The hugs and cheek kisses were what went on in public. But what happened behind closed doors was a little different.
The two lived together in a small, one bedroom apartment. They managed to live in such close proximity to one another pretty well, until one of them had a... problem. Such things didn't happen very often and it was usually N that initiated them. He managed to control his hormones around Ken decently but having to share a bed and a bathroom with the person he wanted most in the entire world was not the funnest thing to do.
One of the strangest things, in their entire time together, happened one morning and it all started with Ken making breakfast.
N was always a late riser so the smell of food posed as his alarm clock every morning. He crawled out of the bed and slipped a hoodie and sweatpants on over his boxers before going into the bathroom that was joined to their shared room. The bathroom always seemed to be the warmest place in the apartment and the mornings always seemed to be the coldest time of day, so N would sit on the toilet seat cover until Ken called that breakfast was ready. That morning, though, Ken never called him.
N had been sitting on the cover for a good twenty minutes, letting his body soak up the heat that the bathroom had to offer. He had expected Ken to call him a while ago, but there had been nothing. What if something had happened to him? N quickly stood from the toilet and wandered into the kitchen slowly, not wanting to seem crazy if the only problem was that Ken was making a bigger breakfast. And there the younger male was, standing in front of the stove making pancakes.
"Smells good."
Ken looked over at N and smiled. The older male could see something in his friends' eye. A glint of something he hadn't seen enough to put a name to. N ignored it and sat down at the island, waiting for Ken to serve up a plate of food like he did every morning.
Within a couple minutes, a plate was indeed served. A stack of pancakes, a side of bacon and eggs, and a tall glass of milk were placed in front of the older male. N took a sip from the glass and smiled. Ken always knew what N would want every morning.
It took a minute for Ken to plate himself breakfast and sit across from his friend. He seemed to never take his eyes from the older male as the two ate.
All morning, Ken had been planning something and he wasn't sure if he actually wanted to go through with it or not. Would N appreciate it? Would he brush Ken off? Would it be worth it? Of course it would be worth it. It was always worth it. Ken forced himself to stop over thinking his idea.
The older male was growing gradually more suspicious of Ken as time passed. He was showing strange facial expressions and he would pause every so often while he ate, but he never tore his eyes from N. It was a little creepy, to be honest. N wondered if he had done something the night before to make Ken angry. But the younger usually spoke up about things like that and he hadn't said a single word, so N figured he was safe. What could it be, then? Was it something Ken had done? Had he broken something? Had he gotten his kicks elsewhere? Then, the worst thought entered N's mind. Was Ken starting to wonder about his sexuality? He convinced himself he knew better.
Ken finished breakfast before N did, which was truly an odd thing to happen. N was growing more suspicious of his friend as the minutes dragged on. He purposely slowed down eating to prolong whatever was going to happen.
As N finished his last pancake, Ken grabbed his plate, fork, and cup and placed them into the sink. He then turned back to the older male with the same glint in his eye, except it had grown a little darker.
N was curious as to why Ken was giving the stare and he was really ready to find out. But he wasn't going to ask. That just wasn't him.
"That was good."
"I'm glad you liked it." Kens voice was a little deeper than both males were used to and it came as a surprise to both N and Ken.
"Are you getting sick?" N tried to stand but Ken was quick to shake his head and cough, causing the voice to subside. N sat back down. Before, he had been curious. Now, he was getting a little worried.
"Well, I'm gonna go shower."
That one single word was enough to really make N wonder. Ken never bossed him around. He didn't really mind it, well he did, just not enough to say so. And he was too curious with what was going on to complain anyway.
"Ken, I have things to do. Is there a reason I'm still sitting at the island?"
Ken nodded lightly and held up a finger to the older male, indicating he wanted him to stay where he was. Ken slowly walked backwards from the kitchen, into the living room, and then into the closet by their bedroom. He never took his eyes from N and N never took his eyes from Ken.
As Ken disappeared into the room, N sighed and shook his head. He really enjoyed living with Ken. Seriously, who wouldn't? He was great. There were other things that Ken did that N liked but breakfast every morning was just about enough of a reason for N to come home every night.
Within a couple of minutes, Ken exited the closet again. He was holding a decent sized card board box that had a red bow tied around it. He approached N with the box.The older male found it hard to look away from what was in Kens hands to look back at his face, but once he did he noticed the younger males look had continued to deepen and darken.
"What's going on?"
Ken moved closer to N and walked around to the other side of the island. He placed the box on the top and slid it slowly to the older male as he stared deeply into his eyes.
"What's this?"
Ken thought for a second about what he could tell N. He had a hard time thinking straight because of what was going through his mind. Because of what was in the box. But, when he finally spoke, he said "Dessert."
"Dessert after breakfast?" N was truly confused.
"Open the box." Kens voice was almost a whisper.
N slowly pulled the bow and cover off the card board box and placed them on the floor beside him. He tilted his head up to look inside but Ken pulled the box away.
"Don't look. You have to find out what's inside the hard way." Kens voice was still awkwardly deep. N wasn't going to say anything, though. He actually really liked it...
The older male raised his eye brows but followed Kens wishes. He reached his arm up and into the box. He groped around for a moment until he was able to feel something on his fingers. He wrapped his hand around it and pulled it from the box.
It was, indeed, a bag of mints. Kens face stayed looking rather blank. He took a step from the island. A step N didn't seem to notice.
"Keep going." Ken told him. "Don't look."
N reached his hand back in and felt something right away. It was plastic... He gripped onto it and pulled it from the box. It was a carton of...
Ken still stayed blank in the face. He took another step from the island as N placed the strawberries down. He reached his hand back in and had to stand to find something else to grab onto. This time, it was a can. He grabbed it and pulled it up. He looked at the object questioningly.
"Whipped topping?" He looked at Ken, still not noticing the younger male heading away from the island.
Ken held the same look as N tried to read him. He had never before had to try so hard to figure his friend.
"Keep going."
N looked back at the giant box in front of him and reached his arm inside. The next thing he felt was a tube. He wrapped his fingers around it, knowing now exactly what was going on. He smiled and could feel something welling inside of him. Ken had never done anything like this before. He pulled the tube from the box and his suspicions were made true. It was a tube of lube. N looked over to Ken. The younger male was stripping his shirt off. When he was free of the fabric, he caught N staring at him. He searched the older males body and saw that there was a bulge forming in his pants. Ken had one to match.
N went to approach the younger male but Ken spoke a firm "Stop."
N looked at him questioningly and cocked his head in a very sexy way.
"There's something else in the box."
N furrowed his brow but turned back to the box.
"Remember, you can't look."
N stared directly at the younger male. He already knew what he was getting but he didn't know what else could be in the box. Each time he had pulled something out, it had made the whole situation seem better. Was there anything that could make sex better than mints, strawberries, whipped topping, and lube? N didn't think so. But he couldn't have been more wrong.
He reached his hand back into the box and felt around for another object. As soon as he felt it, he could feel his pants get tighter below his waste. His heart began to beat faster. He looked up at Ken and saw that his face was beat red and he was more than ready for what would come next. N wrapped his hand around the final object and pulled it from the box. He looked at it for a second before he looked back at Ken, who was now completely stripped of his clothes. He then looked back at the object in his hand, with difficulty. It was a vibrator.
When he looked back up at Ken, the younger male was gone. He had slipped into the bedroom. N gathered together everything on the island and carried it into the bedroom, where Ken was waiting, ever so eagerly, to supply the older with dessert. N placed everything on the dresser before grabbing the whipped topping and the vibrator, which he made sure to coat in a thin layer of the lube, and approaching the younger male. Ken had been sitting on the bed but N pushed him down so he was laying and sat in between his thighs. He shook the whipped topping before spraying it on Kens member that was hard against his stomach. He tossed it to the side and looked into Kens eyes as he flicked the vibrator on. The younger male looked like he was as excited for this as N was.
The older bent his head down to lick the whipped topping off at the same time that he pushed the vibrator into the younger male. Ken let out a breathy scream as N pushed the device harshly passed his muscles and licked the whipped topping off the whole length of his member.
N pulled away for a second and smirked at the younger male. He never removed the vibrator but, intead, pushed it in a little further, eliciting a truly delicious moan from Ken.
N bent forward to whisper in Kens ear as he continued to push the vibrator in. "I am definitely going to enjoy dessert."

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