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There's something that wakes me up in the morning, 

Something so sweet I can't describe, 

And now my happy heart just keeps on singing 

A song I've never heard sung quite this loud.  

There's something that keeps me moving, dancing, 

Something I feel so strange about. 

You look into my eyes and I feel like dying; 

I'm loosing control but you're the one, no doubt. 

There's something I'd like to tell you darling. 

It's something that words cannot express. 

You're the only one I see and my eyes start shining 

Whenever they see your beautiful face. 

There's something I want and always craving, 

You in your most innocent form; 

I love loving you baby and I'll be giving 

The very best of me so you will beg for more. 

It's something so exciting, exhilarating, 

Drives me mad and I'm a teen again. 

Can't get enough of you and I won't be sharing 

My sweetheart on whom there's a sweet love spell. 

There's something that obsesses me and it's all consuming, 

Affects every cell in my body. 

You're like a drug to me that I'll be using

For the rest of my life if that's okay baby. 

But what is it that I'm feeling ? 

I don't know, it's so transcending. 

All I know is I feel alive, 

More alive than I ever was. 

Lilly la plume 

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