Lean Leads To Car Crashes.

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Y/N paced the length of their small apartment they shared with Sebastian. They were anxiously waiting for Sebastian to come home after the argument they had just shared. Sebastian had been doing lean again. It made Y/N upset that he would keep something like that from them. Voices were raised, things were thrown, feelings were hurt and Y/N's current mental state was just as bad as their kitchen looked. Sebastian took the car, Y/N hated when he drove while under the influence. Y/N picked up their phone from the place on the floor where they had thrown it earlier. Sebastian's number was the first one on the top of their contact's from the previous 47 times they had called him. Y/N clicked the call button and held their phone tightly to their ear. "Sorry I can't come to the phone right now, I'm too busy being the best. Leave a message and I think I'll get back to you." Voicemail. Again. "Hi Sebby it's Y/N. Can you call me please? I'm worried about you. I love you. Call me back." Another voicemail that would be left unheard. A knock came from the door making Y/N jump. They answered it to find Kay standing there looking overly concerned. "Kay? What are you doing here?" Y/N sighed. "Uh Grand Neighbour said she heard screaming and things breaking earlier, so I thought I would see if her hearing aid needs to be checked again." Kay said and tried to look past Y/N. "It's fine. I'm fine." Kay looked at Y/N sympathetically. "Can I come in?" Y/N huffed and stood to the side so Kay could walk in. "Oh jeez." Kay mumbled to herself and looked around the tiny apartment. "What happened?" Y/N just shrugged and started picking up discarded objects from the floor. "Y/N-" Kay began before they took off into a rant. "It all just happed so quickly. One minute he's fine, the next he's doing lean again. You know he told me he'd never do it again? And he lied, he lied to me. Why the hell would he lie to me. And then he took my car, my car. Not his mine. Want to know something worse? He was high. Again. He's stupid I hate him. No, wait yes I do. He's just a little guy, and I don't like to see him sad or upset but I'm angry at him-" Y/N's rant was cut short, quite literally, when they went to pick up a piece of broken glass and sliced their hand. "Damn it." They seethed and ran to the kitchen sink. "Y/N are you okay?" Kay asked, following after them carefully. Y/N stood at the sink rinsing their hand with cold water. Cold water, Sebastian liked to drink water. "I'm fine I don't know what you're talking about." Y/N sniffed and wiped their tears away with the back of their hand. "Y/N did you stop talking your medicine?" Kay asked. "Why?" Y/N asked annoyed. "What does that have to do with any of this?!" They screamed. "You have." Kay shook her head gently and held out her arms. Y/N fell into her, letting them self loose. "What happened, Kay? Why won't he come home?" "You still don't remember?" "Remember what?"
"Y/N," Kay sighed "Sebastian is dead." Y/N's eyes widened. "W-what? Since when? I saw him today, we were fighting he was here." Y/N insisted. "He's dead, Y/N. He has been dead for two months." Was she right? She couldn't be because Y/N had seen Sebastian that day. He was real. A physical human being. "Grief can make you see things that aren't really there, Y/N." Kay had read their mind. "That's why you have your medicine." And then it all came flooding back. The blue Tesla, the GTA pole, the snap crackle and pop like rice crispies, the screaming, the sirens, the lean found in Sebastian's system. Sebastian's funeral. "Oh no." Y/N shook their head, tears falling from their eyes. "I'm sorry." Kay whispered. "I need you to leave." Y/N said sternly.
"I don't think that's a good idea." "Kay said "I need you to leave, so leave." Y/N snapped and pushed away from her, backing away toward the bedroom. "Okay, call me if you need anything." Kay whispered and walked out of the apartment. Y/N walked into their room which consisted of a mattress in the corner of the room with a blanket and a pillow on it. They slid down the wall. What were they going to do? Sebastian. Their Sebastian, was dead, deceased, rotting in the ground, worm food, playing uno with God himself, crying because he lost, because who could beat god? Nobody. Even if he was Debeste. Especially when it comes to uno. All you could hear were Y/N's sobs as they tried to breath. Maybe if they had learned to cry a bit quieter maybe they would've heard their name being called out. Then they looked up. And right there as plain as the day was long. Sebastian. In all of his supposed self claimed glory. "Sebby?" Y/N sniffed. "Y/N." Sebastian smiled. "Where were you? I thought you were dead." "I am." "Then why are you here?" Sebastian sighed and tears welled in his eyes. "Y/N you need to let go."

So they did. They got married. Settled down. Got a few dogs. And Sebastian was never remembered again.

The End.

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