'You are my sunshine.'

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Notes: What better way to start off this log than with a Bubba x Reader ramble, waking early with the Texan sun and Bubba showing off one of the ways they say I love you, humming songs to you; their special person <3

Imagine it's a sunday morning; the one day Bubba has been allowed by their duty to stay in bed for just a few extra hours instead of waking with the rising sun; but you're now so used to the weeks' typical sleep schedule that you find yourself letting out a little sigh as the burnt orange coloured light of the morning sun warms your face. It's a little stuffy in the bedroom but in a comforting way, the deep inhales and exhalations of your partner sleeping soundly behind you a soothing backdrop to the sound of freshly woken chickens, strutting and cooing through their morning round across the estate. Laying there for a few minutes, gently tossing and turning in hopes that sleep would reclaim your groggy mind, you soon realised your hopes were futile and you flipped back to face the edge of the bed with a defeated sigh.

You hadn't noticed how your titan of a partner's breathing pattern had changed, nor feel their deep brown eyes sleepily but lovingly inspect over your bare back as you sat up facing away from them. You were so incredibly radiant, your legs crossed beneath you so effortlessly and your arms raised high above your head in a shaking, well needed stretch. The golden light of the morning spilled around your silhouette, Bubba's sweetened heart pounding noisily against its' cage just via the heavenly sight of you. no amount of stunning sunrises, shooting stars or pretty ladies around town could compare to your beauty, they thought. There was something so candid and pure about the moment, so when you began to place your feet from under your frame towards the floor, bubba clucking a little in lighthearted disapproval - the groggy vocalisation you heard leave their chest sounding a lot like 'nuh uh.', you couldn't help but grin.

Through your grin then came a gasp; a familiar, thick, fuzzy arm suddenly wrapping around your waist. This would've been a terrifying sight just a few months ago when you were new and captive to the macabre house, however now, through gained trust and respect, you couldn't help but laugh as your oversized teddy bear of a partner pulled you right back into bed - the smile on their face immediately setting a small fire of tenderness alight in your heart. You lay beside and beneath them, their huge body propped up on an elbow whilst your hands began to pass over the pelt of soft, curled chest hair that sat over their tanned skin. Their spare hand dropped and cradled your still sleep stained face, thumb rubbing over your smooth skin whilst a smile pulled over their soft lips once more. They felt so grateful for you, for whatever higher power placed you here, for the fact you would never judge them and that they could perceive your pretty face without it being one with themselves - brittled and tanned. Their very own special, pretty person, alive and well - not meat, nor family or animal, just theirs.

Bubba let out a soft grunt as their thoughts passed over them into the clouds of their mind, once again laying down onto their back before pulling you against their side; their strong muscled arm practically cradling you between skin and mattress. You made quick work of kicking one leg up and over their gut, shimmying closer and letting your head rest against their bicep for comfort, your arm resting on their chest before your eyes fluttered shut. The familiar embrace of sleep was fast to encompass the edges of your consciousness whilst listening to Bubba hum one of their favourite songs, safe in their arms.

"Yeah, I love you too, honey.", you mumbled against the side of their chest, smiling weakly.

'You Are My Sunshine', what a beautiful song.

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