Chapter 1

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First year at college in a town that I've never seen before, is going bad. I've been doing bad, I haven't worked on my social skills, and my roommate is always loud. I don't know his name, but he's so stuck up.

He blasts his trashy music, all day and night. I'm the one who has gotten in trouble for it though. I can't get a single second to close my eyes and rest. Not to mention, my father bugging me about my future.

'You're never going to get anywhere in life with that attitude of yours! You're the son I least wanted. You're a disgrace.' - that was the last thing he said to me. He also mentioned that I wasn't worthy of having the Uchiha name.

I don't go home to visit them. Not once. Sure, I'll call my mom from time to time, but never really go over to my home town. I chose the farthest University that I could get into, so they wouldn't expect me to visit.

I spend most of my free time walking, working out, or eating by myself at small local restaurants.

As I walked through the everlasting hallways of the university, some random girl with pink hair came up to me. I had my headphones on, so I don't hear her at first.

In reality, I wear them because I don't expect anyone to talk to me. Sure, girls fancy me, but they never work up the nerve to talk to me. Once in a while, there'll be a girl that has guts to speak to me. On the other hand, the boys here hate me. They hate me for pulling all the girls. Not like they can get any, so that's on them.

Her hair annoyed me. Bright pink hair curled around her neck. It's short.

"Hey, I've seen you around in class before."

I had never seen her in my life

"I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date! I'll pay, because you're willing to go with me."

Free food? Hell yeah.

"Sure. Got a specific time or date?"

"Yeah! How about this Saturday? At, say around, 6:00pm? It's at a place called The Main Dish."

"Tomorrow? I'll try and make it, but I can't keep any promises."

"Okay, great! Can't wait to see ya!"

Then she left. There wasn't much to our conversation. Small date, and I'll never speak or see her again.

I've never heard of a place called The Main Dish. Sounds fancy though.

I didn't go back to my dorm. Why would I? Instead, I go for a walk around the campus. It's a bit chilly, but at least the sun is still out. It's almost about to go down though.

As soon as I get to my dorm, my dumbfuck roommate brought his friend over. Seeing his friend in my dorm, made me immediately walk out.
One more walk around the campus and it's surprisingly night time. Completely dark and the only thing that gives me light, are the light poles that tower above me.

I walk to my dorm, and no one's there. He must've gone to a party or something. Thankgod for that. I've never talked to him, but he just seems annoying. He is annoying.

His name is Kiba or something. There's this one particular friend that he hangs out with that's just ticks me off. I don't really know much about his friend, but he just looks annoying.

I crash down on my bed and just lay in my clothes. I began to play music through my headphones and sooner or later, I drifted off to sleep.

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