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"Oh! Here, let me help with that," Mae stopped you outside of the karaoke bar, moving her hand to the collar of your shirt and folding it for you. "Wouldn't do well to leave a bad first impression."

"I doubt anyone here will care about the collar of my shirt," you laughed away her concerns, grabbing her smooth wrist and following her in.

"It's a group date, everyone there will care about everything," she turned to you, her smile wide and her eyes crinkled. "Besides, one of them might be the one for you, and it'd suck if you ruined that by being a slob."

"Ouch, Mae."

She had a point though. You were the only person in the friend group that was still living their life in grey scale---not for lack of trying, mind you. You've gone on dates before, carefully selecting an outfit that hopefully didn't look too bad for people who could see colors. You worked in the community, hung out with schoolmates and coworkers alike. None of them changed the way you viewed the world.

Mae had taken it upon herself to find you someone, even if it wasn't the person the universe decided for you. Taking you out on group blind dates, the only person you would know there would be Mae and her girlfriend---Amy---or setting you up with some of her friends.

It never really worked out, and it wouldn't this time either.

You stared at the five guys, having forgotten all of their names as soon as they said them. You thought that they were nice and maybe if you put more effort into getting to know them, you would've found that you enjoyed hanging out with them. But, instead, you just smiled and nodded and laughed when they needed you too. A few times they would go up to sing a song, and then laugh at how bad they were at it and---"I wasn't really trying that time," they'd joke, smiling at one of the others.

Mae tried to get you to go up and sing, but you refused, happy to eat the food and sit in the back. You were halfway listening to one of the guys, he was saying something about how he had gotten some sort of exclusive DG album and that you were always welcome to come over to his place to listen to it and---

"Oh, looks like there were people in here after all."

You looked away from the DG-album guy, instead focusing on the person who kicked the door down. He was tall, and lanky, and smiling weirdly at all of you.

"Guess the employee lied to us then," he shrugged his shoulders and moved in his hands in a 'oh-whatever,' before walking in more. "Hey, Gun! There's some over here." Someone, presumably Gun, followed him in and---

And your world burst into colors

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