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[5 votes at least guys...]


I looked at gguk. He was looking so angry. I just couldn't understand that why he was becoming very angry. Also Bang Pd too as he scolded gguk for nothing like seriously he just maybe put his feet a few inches away from where it should be while practicing his dance. But still Pd nim yelled at gguk.

Why everyone's mood is so bad? Y/N looked so sad but what can we do? I walked towards her and held her shoulder, giving a squeeze as I said,

'You are being ridiculous gguk. She had her own reasons. She now have bought the lunch. So let's forget everything and eat lunch ok?'

'Yes Jimin is right Jungkook.' Jin hyung said.

'Yeah yeah whatever but I have already bought my lunch now you guys can eat from hers,' Gguk said.

'What's with this behavior Jungkook?! You are making a small thing in to a big issue! You should think that Y/N is getting hurt by you!' Namjoon hyung said angrily.

'I get it that you were being scolded by Pd nim but that doesn't mean that-'

'That you can be mean to your own twin.'

We looked at Yoongi hyung who cut Jin hyung's words as he entered the room.

'Okay, now this matter is getting out of hand! It is a simple thing. Jungkook if you don't want to eat then don't eat. We will be eating her foods. Go and eat whatever you bought.' Taehyung said as he took the lunch boxes and started to open it.

One by one we all sat on the floor as Jin hyung and Hoseok hyung started to spread the chopsticks and one time usable plates towards us.

'But I also wa-'

'It's okay oppa. If you don't want to eat. I am sorry to bring the lunch late.' Jungkook rolled his eyes at her words.

She cut off his words as she looked down trying to hide her face. Her shoulder shakes a little making me believe that she is crying!

'Hey hey hey! Are you crying!' I asked as I looked at her. She shook her head before standing up and walk towards him.

They both looked at each other for a few seconds as she broke the silence and said to him,

'I get it that I was late but that doesn't means that you can do whatever you want!'

'I can who are you to say?!'

'I am your twin JUNGKOOK!'

'So? Just because you are my sister who came from thin air doesn't give you the permission to TURN YOUR VOICE UP ON ME! Not even my hyungs turned up their voices to me!'

'That's because they ARE NOT YOUR GOD DAMN OWN BLOOD!'

'GUY STOP THIS! WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING!' Pd nim cam out of nowhere as he yelled at both of them. We sighed in relief that both of them will now stop but.....

'Because she is screaming at me!'

'No HE WAS!'

'No she!'

'No he!'


'HE! He was screaming at me because of a silly matter!'



'WHAT!' They Both said.


'We will!'






'Yahhh Jungkook! Why you said now! We had to act a little more dumb!'

'Sorry I was hungry Y/N. Hehe.'

'Wait wait wait what the heck are you guys saying?!' I asked.

'Well, surprise! Hehe' Jungkook said as she chuckled.

'What?!' Jin hyung asked.

'Hahahaha, ok ok we will stop now. Come here teammates!' Y/N said.

What? Teammates? I looked confusedly at others as they were confused too until........... Yoongi hyung, Hoseok hyung came towards them as they stood beside each other and bowed.

'Dul sett! Happy hidden camera prank guys!' All four of did our signature but only changed bangtan part as they bowed before laughing.

'What prank?!' Namjoon hyung said.

'Well.........Pd nim was the one who suggested us to do this prank to you guys.' Yoongi hyung said.

'And why did you guys didn't tell me?!' Jin hyung complained.

'Actually, the one whose birthdays are still left behind were the target of mine. So I asked Y/N and Jungkook first that I want to do a hidden camera prank. Then they suggested to do this one those whose birthday are still to be ended in this year. So we added Yoongi and Hoseok in this prank.' Pd nim said.

'Wow. I am speechless!' We looked at Taehyung who talked for the first time but all left an annoying sigh when we saw him eating already.

'Well I am hungry! Move!' Jungkook said as he dramatically pushed us away and sat down beside Taehyung and started to eat the lunch.

'Wait So was all of this a plan?!' Namjoon hyung asked.

'Yep oppa.'

'Aish! Pd nim!! Why me! I was pranked by you guys earlier when we were about to debut! Why pranking me again!' Namjoon hyung whined.

Others just laughed as we all sat to eat. Pd nim took the bag which Jungkook bought here and left the room.

'Wait won't you eat that?' I asked.

'No actually, that is also Y/N's lunch box but in a restaurant packet. That was Pd nim's lunch that she made hehe.' Jungkook said.

'Now tell us everything!' Jin hyung demanded.

'Yes from A to Z!' I said.

Y/N started to speak,

'Okay okay, so the start was.........'


[WELL, happy late April fool day guys hehe.]

T𝕙𝕖 Jeon Ƭwιɴs |𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚔𝚘𝚘𝚔 ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ 🄰🅄 ft. 𝔹𝕋𝕊|Where stories live. Discover now