Operation : Stealing His Heart

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Chapter 1 : Devilish Angel

I'm Kennedy Jamie Willows. My friends just call me Kenzie or just Jamie.. I'm 16 by the way. I have jet black hair and sky blue eyes.. I don't wear contacts.. Well, my mother is Asian.. my father is Irish. They say I have s little bit of Irish accent, but I don't seem to hear it myself. 

More of this, I'm the Lead Vocalist of our band. I also play the guitar. It's just a four member band though. it's an All Girl Band composed of Chloe Faith Turner our Lead Guitarist, Jewel Jones our Pianist, Daniella Walker our very own Drummer and Me.. Our band is named as Devilish Angels. But don't judge us by our name. We are a servant of God and will always will be. Case Closed.

In school we are considered as the Campus 4. Meaning.. we are the most popular girls in school due to the fact that we area band and do perform for special events in school. We also do gigs at bars or lounges. Apparently we have 856,982 followers on twitter. We really are known for pop, love and rock songs. Sometimes we even play the violin to add more class and emotion to our songs. 

By means of 'Our Song' I meant the songs we composed and made our own. I always do the lyrics while Jewel does the music sheets. We are a group so we do help each other.

Back to reality... I'm now in the middle of History Class. it's interesting... hey don't judge me. I might like studying but I'm most definitely not a Nerd. "So, I will be grouping you into 5 groups. This group means in each and every of my class, you will go to the assigned places to help each other at the group activities I will give each day. Understood?" Mrs. Johnsons announced making the whole class go into their own little conversations.

"Kennedy, since you're the first in class this grading.. why don't you choose your groupmates?" Mrs. Johnsons smiled and motioned for me to come at the front. I didn't hesitated to take the offer.

"Sooo.." oh my.. I forgot none of my friends are in the same schedule of history... meaning.. I'll be left in the group I'll lead... Alone. No Kennedy get a hold of yourself! You'll be just fine!

I picked Daphne Clouds, Dorothy Summers, Josh Derrek Gale, Drake Hudgens, Kevin Waltraud and some other fellows that I know is reliable. "Ma'am.. I'm Done." Just then the bell rang. "Ok Class, i'll announce the other groups tomorrow and be sure to do your homeworks." Mrs. Johnsons dismissed the class and I soon got my bag heading to my locker across the hallway.

"Oh, f it isn't Ms. Fake Angel.." the most .. "cough*sluts*cough* of the school.. Sarah Stones, Michaela Hudsons, Denise Copper and Rennica Raven. They tried to steal our thrones before. They had did all.. blackmailing.. gossips and even stealing just to make us look bad at the public eye... but they were nothing compared to us. No one believed them, soon they just gave up and left us alone.

"Oh, hello" I said politely giving them a smile while I tried to pass through them, but they blocked my way. "Oh where are you going Missy.." that Rennica said looking at me with her most evil look. Now I know why her surname is 'Raven'

i turned to go to the opposite direction, nut again I was blocked by their leader... Sarah. she has that cold look on me right now. "We are not going to hurt you, we just wanted to talk." she said still expresionless. "Talk. OK. Start Now." I said calmly taking off the tension from my body. 

"You know Isabela Fields, right?" Denise asked me with a.. sad look on her face?" I nodded and they continued. "You see, that newcomer girl has almost 30% of the school's atention.." Michaela paused and took a deep breath while the others shook their heads remained silent.

"Including in that 30% was Sarah's boyfriend... Drake Hudgens." she said. "So?.." I asked looking at them, confused. "That girl... she had plenty of scandals, Drake broke up with me because of that girl." Sarah shed some tears. "And?" I said still confused of what they are talking about.

"I need your help.." Sarah said as she held my hands. "Please." they all pleaded... I tried to reject, but Sarah knelt down. "Y-Youre my only hope.." is this a dream? did Sarah really needed my help? "I better have him with you rather than that... Isabela..." she said still kneeling down.

Ok... I like Drake, but i'm not su- WAIT. Why am i thinking about this. Will I help her? should I help her? Most of all.. Why should I help her? These questions kept running through my head over and over again. 

"Please.. help me... Please steal his heart... make him yours, I knew you want him for a long time. I know He doesn't want me anymore. I cared too much about him that I don't really cared about myself anymore. I WOULD JUST LIKE HIM TO BE WITH YOU! rather than that slut..." she said the last part quietly.

Then I said what I was thinking for awhile now. "Why would I help you?" I covered my mouth trying realizing what I have said to this Heartbroke girl. She looked at me with pure depression and sadness within her eyes. I can't help my tears... 

The most happy girl I knew. The girl who wouldn't cry and beg. Now is infront of me... kneeling, begging for me to help her for something that wasn't for herself but for somebody else... She sured is changed by love.

Before she openned her mouth to say something.. I cut her off. "I-I'll help you.." her eyes lit up and stood from where she is. She hugged me tightly and mumbled the words.. "Thank you so MUCH!" 

Minutes passed. We talked about everything. I waved to my new friends as I bid them goodbye. We'll be seeing eac other tomorrow to start off the plan.

The plan that will sure change my Image and will potentially affect my status and my band's name. It can be a bad effect or on good terms it can make us more popular among the school.

Everything will start now.

Operation : Stealing His Heart. is now officially ON.


Hello there! Wish you'll like my story here! Please note that everything came from my Imagination. By means of Everything.. I mean EVERYTHING. Nothing is copied or from other person or the internet. If you have the same name as my characters... Please, I just thought of them regardless the people that had same names with them. SORRY. 

Plot, Character, Settings and Theme is from me. From my Imagination.

Hope you enjoy this chapter. I'll update tomorrow or later maybe :D

Sincerely, Forgotten Existence ♥

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