chapter 1: the beginning of my life

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Jennifer's POV:

I never thought my life would get any better, I wish I could have been like those girls that was friends with almost everyone. instead I had to be the new kid at middle school, who didn't know anyone. of course there were some people that wanted to be my friend, but their were only tow people that appealed to me, this girl with straight brown hair named Mary and another name Kate. I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Jennifer, I'm 14 years old and new at my school. I sometimes see boys looking at me but I ignore them. "aren't you going to flirt with them?" Mary said when she saw the boys trying to get my attention "no, they are not my type" "I'm looking for a strong boy, with blond hair, and blue eyes" I forget that I'm not alone when I'm saying this "that's really specific" Kate says. I know that it was specific, but dreams can come true, and so far none of mine have because I'm here in Washington while all of my friends are in Phoenix, back home. so my first day went ok, I started right on my homework, when I finished I got right to my laptop and emailed my old best friend

 Rebecca -Rebecca, everything's going pretty well here. I miss you, John, Susan and Nick so much. I wish you guys were here, I could at least have friends here that I can be able to talk to. how's it going with you and Sam? I haven't found someone yet but I will. you wouldn't like Washington, its always cold and wet not like Phoenix and its always so humid here to. I hope I can maybe visit you guys over break soon or the other way around. I hope I hear from you soon -Jennifer

I do wish to see them someday, but my family wants me to try and meet new people and maybe become friends with them. The Next day, I was walking to a class and someone slapped all of my books out of my hand, no one tried to help me, people just kept on saying "get out of the way" or "your gong to make me be late for class" yeah like that wasn't helping at all. the last few days seemed awful, it seems like Washington doesn't like me. Mary and Kate try and make me feel better but that doesn't even help. I then meet some of their friends, two boys who are named Seth and Bobby, who try and cheer me up too. this was going on all week. Almost the same thing happened every day, I would get picked on for being the new girl, or my partner for a project would not do anything while I worked. of course I got an A for doing it, and my partners would always blame me for not having them do it too. I have been now starting to ignore them but it still doesn't really help much nothing.When I get home I'm finally happy because Rebecca sends me an email

-Jennifer, it's good to hear from you, we all miss you a lot. Especially nick, since he still has a crush on you. we hope to see you real soon. A lot of people at school miss you as well, Riley, Sammy, Jessica, Billy, and Jake. I miss you the most, Sam and I are still dating, he says he misses you too. -Rebecca,

 I was really glad to hear from Rebecca and of course I miss Sam the most, I knew him the longest out of everyone else, we were like brother and sister. it was hard for him to sat goodbye to me. Especially Nick who got upset since he didn't get his perfect moment to try and kiss me. I promised the all I wasn't going to cry, but I couldn't keep my promise, I got a seat away from my parents and started crying. I couldn't let them go, they meant way to much to me, and I was thousands of miles away from them. especially peter, who was my next door neighbor since we were in kindergarten. So, back to school life and life in Washington, people have still been bullying could it possibly get any worse. I guess I spoke too soon

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