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^ I love this picture so much, especially the little caption at the bottom lmao

.•♫•♬• Şຟēēt •♬•♫•.


What the fuck?

I opened my eyes, groggily sitting up, and turning off my alarm.
Right. School.
I stretched, yawning, before I got up to start my daily routine.

Once I was done getting dressed, making sure my hair doesn't look like shit; that kinda stuff,
I went downstairs, going to the kitchen to get some cereal.

As I got out a box of cereal and a bowl, my sister walked into the kitchen, face caked in makeup, and school uniform skirt pulled higher to make it shorter.
I ignored her as she got cereal for herself, and I poured the milk into my own bowl, before getting a spoon and sitting at the table.
April and I ate in silence until dad walked in.

"Morning {Y/n}, April. {Y/n}, don't forget to tell the teacher you want to start tutoring. And, April, don't fail that test you have today." He said, before going to the coffee maker and beginning to make coffee for himself.
I hummed as a response, before shoving the last spoonful of cereal into my mouth, and putting the bowl of milk in the sink.
April only rolled her eyes, continuing to pick at her cereal.

I quickly got my bag and walked out, not waiting for April, since we never walked to school together anyways.
She probably doesn't wanna be seen with me. Doesn't want my 'nerd' reputation to ruin hers- even though we're so new here I don't even have a reputation yet.
As I left the house, I noticed Josuke leaving his own house on the other side of the street, causing me to quickly avert my gaze.
Don't want him to catch me staring...

When I got to school, I headed to my first class.
Soon after I arrived, Josuke also entered the classroom, since we left our houses at around the same time.
I sat in my designated seat, which was behind Josuke and Okuyasu, and I watched as Josuke sat in the seat in front of me.
Leaning on my desk, I stared at Josuke for a few seconds, thinking.

When Okuyasu walked in, I looked away, since he would probably see me staring at his friend.
Okuyasu walked over, sitting next to him.
They started talking, and I decided not to listen, since that seemed a little rude.
I looked out the window, watching cars drive by, until class started.

.•✧•★• Şຟēēt •★•✧•.

After class was over, and the bell rang, I watched as students filtered out of the classroom.
When mostly everyone was gone, I sat near the teacher's desk.
"Ah, {L/n}. What did your parents say?" She asked.
"They said they were okay with it, so I guess I'll do it," I shrugged.

She smiled. "Alright! I'll assign you to one of the students in this class." She said, pausing for a moment to look at her computer screen.
"Hm, how about Higashikata Josuke?"
I almost choked at hearing his name, but I managed to keep a neutral face, somehow.
"I'm fine with anyone."
"Higashikata it is, then."

I don't know if I should be happy or scared I just became my crushes' tutor.
On one hand, it's a chance to talk to him, and on the other, it's a chance to make him hate me.
I don't know what to think...

The teacher typed at her computer some more, and wrote something on a piece of paper, before turning to me with said piece of paper in hand.
"Here is his mom's number. I just emailed her so she knows who you are, just make sure you text her your name and you should be good! You'll have to schedule sessions yourselves, so keep that in mind." She explained.
I took the piece of paper.
Dang, I just got my crushes' mom's number.
What the hell is happening?

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