Chapters 1-4

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Chapter One

"I love your body,"hemurmuredinto her ear, running his rough palmsover her hips and upthe curves of her waist.

His tender lovemaking left her weak and she lay over his muscled chest, her body soft and relaxed with pleasure. She pressed her cheek to his warm skin, a small smile touching her lips. She wished they could stay like this forever.

The steady throb of his heartbeat quickened as she brushed her fingertips against his flat nipple. His thick shaftstillnestled inside her, and shesavoredthe feel of him.

"I love you, Gabe," shewhispered...

The pilot announced the flight's late afternoon descent into Las Vegas and Nina Conners prepared herself for their landing. The trip from Boston had been a long one and she'd spent the majority of that time thinking about Gabe and their last night together. Almost a full week had passed since he'd left her in bed for yet another business trip. Like always, she missed him every day while he'd been away. Despite everything, she found that she still did.

Gabriel Alexander. Her Gabe. Successful entrepreneur, charismatic lover...lying cheat.

Nina let out a disgusted sigh. No, he wasn't hers. He had never been hers. She had given him her heart and he had only been her seducer-her heartbreaker.

The text message she'd received last night from the unknown number left her sick inside. It had been curt and to the point: Stay away from my husband.

The terse message came with a photo of Gabe with a pretty brunette. Her eyes had trained on the image of the smiling woman gazing up at Gabe, his short golden blonde hair gleaming from the flash of the camera. His broad, handsome face looked back at the person taking the photo, a small grin accentuating the mischief in his green eyes-the kind of wickedness that had sparkled in his eyes that New Year's Eve night when he'd lean down toward her for their first kiss at midnight.

Nina hadn't deleted the message and she hadn't replied back. She had simply stared at it for what seemed like hours. For some perverse reason, she kept the message. It served as a reminder of her stupidity. The thoughts of his betrayal twisted her insides with rage and jealousy.

Nina braced herself as the plane finally made its bumpy landing, the knot in her belly only intensifying as the plane jostled then rolled down the airport runway. She gripped the handle of the seat and willed the unexpected nausea away, the slight jolts from the rough landing doing little to penetrate through her inner tension.

The last twenty-four hours had been a roller coaster with her emotions alternating from hatred to longing to self-disgust. She didn't know which made her more upset. That she had let herself be duped by a man who played on her naiveté...or that she would still want him despite it.

His incessant calls and text messages didn't help either. When he traveled, Gabe made it a habit to call her at least every night, but this time she refused to answer. The wound was still fresh and she wanted to be calm enough to tell him to go to hell.

But her refusal to answer hadn't stopped him from bombarding her with calls and messages. It took a lot for her not to answer, to rage against him for the seven months of lies and deceit. Instead, she raged at herself for her own naiveté. She should have suspected something when he rarely spoke of his past. She hated to pry, but she never imagined he would keep something like this from her.

When the plane finally pulled into their gate, she grabbed her carryon from the overhead bin. The late afternoon flight was relatively quiet, but for a Monday, the airport buzzed with activity. She dragged her bag through the busy terminal, grateful she had opted for flats for the long travel.

His Flower Queen (interracial romance) *excerpt only*Where stories live. Discover now