~Author's Note 13MAY2022~

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Updating the "Coming Soon" and giving it the traditional Author's Note. 

Hello again folks.  Thank you for trying out this new series from me.  Theoretically this is a seven book series, and we'll try for about five chapters a week until we're done (or I have a nervous breakdown, whichever comes first).

This is Joon's story, written after reading one too many awful mafia/daddy books and realizing that Joon hardly ever got to be the good guy.  And he's a hell of a good guy to not have his FF reflect that. So what if Bangtan had their bulletproof vests, but weren't baddies?

Let's see where this goes!  Thank you in advance for reading, as always every time the read count and the vote count increase, I am beyond humbled. I adore you all. Thank you thank you thank you.

For the non-binding nonlegal legalities:

This is a work of fan fiction, written because the author has an abiding love for the music and people who make up the South Korean singing group of BTS.

The characters, settings, places, and languages used in this work are entirely the creation of this author and in no way reflect reality what so ever.

The author will not receive any money or other remuneration for presenting the work on this site.

The work is the intellectual property of the author, is available solely for the enjoyment of Wattpad readers, and may not be copied or redistributed by any means without the explicit written consent of the author.

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