The Stories

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There had been tale after tale, of a powerful being that roamed the fiery depths of Mordor. Of course no one believed it. It was nonsense! A human being, or so everyone thought, that lived in flames. Utter poppycock.

Being a hobbit elder, and being a Baggins, I had no time for nonsense. I had to tend to my grandson, and the rest of The Shire.
I never thought that that grandson of mine, though, would actually be the first to encounter this dangerous being.

Once everyone had started to believe, they still underestimated the power that the creature behold. It had the ability to destroy mountains. Concur dragons, and scorch cities. We weren't prepared. We were extremely vulnerable and the being knew this.

This being was the last thing people would see before they died.
It was the light in the darkness.
It was, The Fire Witch of Mordor.

The Fire Witch of MordorWhere stories live. Discover now