One - Shot

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|Thank you for letting me have one of your ideas SN0W1I_ I really appreciate it anyway this story is a ONE - SHOT so there won't be any other parts and also I gotta say the idea you came up with but never used is a good one I don't think I would have thought of it|

|It was really late Mikey couldn't sleep at all for the past nights he started having nightmares of the past and in his dream it looked like someone else was controlling his own body but this time the dream was different....this time it showed Mikey all bloody, emotionless, and had his blonde medium hair he has just finished killing Baji, Kazutora, Emma, Draken, Mitsuya everyone....even though he didn't kill any of them sure Mikey had killed his friends in another timeline but this looked so real for Mikey that he suddenly worked up like a possessed person would...|

Mikey: That's the 10th time I had the exact same nightmare expect this time I had killed them all...I need something

|Mikey's voice sounded very dry like he hasn't drank water in a while well that's true Mikey had just smoked most of the time but this time he decided to drink water and headed to the kitchen and saw something on the table when he got water|

Mikey: Hm? What is this wait these are drugs/Pills that Sanzu uses....what if I used these for me to sleep peacefully this night and if these work I'll use them every night before I sleep

|Mikey left them back in the counter and checked if anyone was awake but luckily for him no one was awake so he opened the packet and grabbed one until someone came in the room|

Sanzu: My king?

|Mikey was shocked he had just checked if anyone was awake Mikey was hurrying up and closed the packet of drugs/pills and Sanzu noticed that it was his packet and went to his king fast and grabbed the packet out of his kings hands|

Sanzu: Why do you have these my king?!

Mikey: I-...

Sanzu: Did you get one of them my king! If you did please tell me you put it in the packet

Mikey: Why do you care?!

Sanzu: I care because I don't want you to turn out like me! I don't want you to become addicted to these pills and I can't explain but look at me I take these everytime non - stop and look how I am I don't want you to turn out the same way I am

Mikey: Sanzu I already smoke and me taking these drugs/pills wouldn't make a difference at all just let me take one

Sanzu: NO I gotta make sure to keep these away from you and sure my king you do smoke but these pills will make a massive affect on you and I don't want that happening to you so please don't take one

Mikey: It's just ONE why can't I simply just have ONE?!

Sanzu: ONE are you crazy my king?! Taking ONE of these pills make you addicted you won't be able to stop yourself from taking them everyday


Mikey: Fine I won't take one or any at all

Sanzu: Thank you my king and why did you even want to have one of my pills to begin with...?

Mikey: I have the same nightmare every night and just having it I don't get sleep and this time it was different...I killed them this time in my dream

Sanzu: Oh can I do something for you to not have the nightmare anymore?

Mikey: Can you sleep with me this night and if it helps can you sleep with me daily every night

|Sanzu was blushing he didn't expect his king to ask him if he can sleep with him which Sanzu nodded as a response and the two go to Mikeys room and hug echother and eventually Mikey falls asleep meanwhile Sanzu is smiling and his fingers going through his kings hair|

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